Scoreboard is a add-ons page for Quiz Game – HTML5 Game where user can submit score and view top 10 leaderboard. The orignal game can be bought here.

NOTE: This add-ons DOES NOT include the original game but just additional pages.

How To Use It:
1. Get the Quiz Game original game
2. Copy and integrate the scoreboard files
3. Setup server and database (PHP MySQL)
4. Ready to submit score and display top ten scoreboard at result page.


  • Complete customization (Text Display, Images)
  • Scoreboard list display (Rank, Name, Category, Score)
  • Option to set all time, daily, weekly, monthly high score
  • Option to show more than top 10 listing
Version 1.7
- Compatible with Scoreboard Admin Panel

Version 1.6:
- Option to display daily, weekly or monthly high score

Version 1.5:
- Fixed top rank listing error

Version 1.4:
- Added option to show more than 10 listing

Version 1.3:
- Updated for Quiz Game V1.7

Version 1.2:
- Fixed php mysqli_ issue

Version 1.1:
- Fixed css stylesheet
- Fixed score submission