NexoPOS 4.x is a modern point of sale application that comes with a CRM and Inventory manager included. It can be used by small and large companies that want to ease inventory management as long as their incomes through sales.

NexoPOS 4.x features can also be extended using the modules available on our marketplace. Thanks to his documentation, any developper knowing how Laravel works, can customize NexoPOS using the available documentation.

Compatibility With NexoPOS 3.x Modules

NexoPOS 4.x is a complete rebuild. None of NexoPOS 3.x are compatible with NexoPOS 4.x

NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - 1

NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - 2

NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - 3

NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - 4

NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - 5

NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - 6

NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - 7

Product Label Builder

NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - 8
NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - 9
NexoPOS 4.x - POS, CRM & Inventory Manager - 10

= v4.6.9 - 2022.01.12
- Added: Payment Invoice
- Added: Attaching Instalment To Payment
- Fix #496 Reset Pin On Failure
- Fix : Illegal operator and value combination
- Added: New Event After Checking Order
- Fix #459 Add Credit Limit
- Added: Localization Test On DB Migration
- Fixed: Tests For Cash Register
= v4.6.3 - 2021.11.17
- Fix Wrong Output For Exceptions
- Added: restrict order type from the settings
- Removed: useless settings
- Updated: Procurement form flexibility
- Added: quick product can be disabled
- Added: customer creation can be disabled
- Fix Wrong Variable Type On POS
= v4.6.0 - 2021.11.07
- Track Layaway Orders
- Extend Crud Service
- Fixed: order details with quick products
- Added: Providers products
- Updated: CrudService for better extensibility
- Fixed: issue while generating barcode for procurement products
- Arabic & RTL
- Low Stock Products & Report
= v4.5.8 - 2021.10.09
- Added: Products Combinaison
- Fixed: Editing Procurement
- Added: New Vue Components
- Fixed: Pagination
- Added: Reward System Preview
- Fixed: Requesting TimeZone for Year Report
- Fixed: Combined Product Test
- Fixed: Order Not Attached To A Refund Expense
= v4.4.0 - 2021.07.31
* Added: refresh reports from the CLI
* Added: create expense history on update active expense
* Fixed: how the last day report is retrieved
* Fixed: day of the year on the day report
* Fixed: year report no showing output
* Added: support for NsCommissions module
* Updated: how test are performed for orders
* Added: route name for settings
* Added: localization for sales report
* Added: signature for product version
* Updated: product history on POS
* Fixed: product transaction popup
* Added: Expenses generated with procurement created + settings
* Added: coupon is assigned to the order author or logged user
* Added: order author can now be edited during sale
* Added: localization on order type
* Updated: code quality
* Fixed: convert order status to human form
* Fixed: product unit crud with 404 errors
* Fixed: issue while performing a migration
* Fixed: Undefined index while applying a fixed discount
* Fixed: ensure order status are correctly updated
* Added: new events
* Added: order delivery status can be changed
* Fixed: layaway issue with computation
* Update: polish code
* Fixed: payment type not loaded for sub stores
* Fixed: store name not displaying on the receipt
* Added: refund receipt for orders
* Fixed: issue while removing permissions
* Added: enhanced refunds
* Fixed: abbreviating currencies
= v4.3.2 - 2021.07.09
* Updated: dependencies
* Added : padding to settings component
* Added : filter to extends Users Crud actions
* Added : new events
* Fixed : namespace filter on Permission model
* Added : new dashboard for roles
* Fixed : removing permissions used the wrong parameter type
* Added : cashier reports
* Updated : roles to support identifier
* Fixed : wrong column name on the initial migration
* Added : default dashboard for roles
* Added : new way to get system date.
* Added : forget module migration option
* Fixed : searchable being changed while saving categories
* Updated: remove "supervisor" role from the core.
* Added : default dashboard.
* Fixed : Instalment crud list using a wrong pivot attribute
* Fixed : Stock adjustment issue (adding stock) fixes #207
* Fixes #208
* Fixed : unable to load the product reports.
* Fixed : some adjustment on the products reports.
= v4.3.0 - 2021.06.17
* Updated: display item price when a product has a single unit
* improved demo
* Added: price modification popup.
* Added: grocery demo
* Improved: reset feature
* Fixed: deprecated attributes
* Removed: unnecessary translation files
* Added: new order settings
* Fixed: make sure OrderAfterCreatedEvent can be broadcasted on the socket
* Added: rebranding on POS logo
* Update: deprecating a feature
* Added: new filters
* Added: new report sales by payments
* Added: rebranding options
* Added: run migration from the command.
* Ignoring Supervisor logs
* Fixed: make sure refreshing a procurement form doesn't delete entries
* Fixed: make sure while deleting an entry the crud refreshes
* Added: test for custom payment
* Added: test for products with different price mode
* Fixed: typo on the default payment type
* Fixed: wrong file name while extracting localization
* Updated : localization
* Fixed: the wrong configuration during setup
* Fixed: make sure installment extends orders children's menus.
* Created: test for custom payment types
* Fixed: wrong price mode defines by default.
* Added: payments type are set as component now
* Added: language extraction improvement
* Fixed: wrong class assigned to system migration.
* Fixed: wrong npm command to build assets
* Fixed: Error thrown while using an unsupported date format.
* Fixed: added load method for .env for keeping previous values.
* Fixed: ensure TaskSchedulingPingJob doesn't restore files
* Added: implementing CLI update
* Fixed: the wrong date provided while saving an order
* Added: new events while a product is computed
* Fixed: currency issue
* Fixed: ensures order is loaded synchronously
* Fixed: Crud issues
* Added: 2 Feature tests
* Updated: Extending the script for modules.
* Fixed: various popup layouts
* Fixed: incorrect date value.
* Updated: npm dependencies
= v4.2.3 - 2021.05.07
* Added : return exact string for unmatched translation
* Fixed : create symbolic link on windows for language
* Fixed : flat array with keys
* Added : new hook when crud form is loaded
* Added : new filter when crud footer form is rendered
* Added : new filter when settings footer is rendered
* Fixed : missing translation file on Vue component
* Update : CKEditor.
* Added : 2 languages (French & Spanish)
* Fixed : ensure localization is correctly loaded
* Added : new path to extract classes.
= v4.2.2 - 2021.05.04
* Added : extraction tools
* Added : language base files
* Added : default system language
* Fixed : missing localization functions
* Fixed : missed attribute while setting up.
* Fixed : ensure the store language is selected by default.
* Update : updating dependencies
* Fixed : error with module missing languages
= v4.2.1 - 2021.05.07
* Added : download to CSV feature.
* Added : away to install NexoPOS from the CLI
* Added : upload user profile
* Added : isolated media manager
* Added : quick setup command
* Added : hard reset command
* added : new settings
* Update tailwindcss
* ignoring expenses settings
* Added : Module details command
* Adding : databased for testing.
* Added : new logo
* Added : new recovery feature (including mails)
* Added CI test suite configuration file.
* Fixed : CSRF Mismatch one new installation using a domain with port
* Fixed : required parameter
* Added : new commands to handle modules
* Added : register modules command.
* Added : process status editable.
* Fixed : profile avatar overflow
* Added : new attribute to Order model.
* Fixed : Unknown process status.
* Added : localization support on labels.ts
* Fixed : number length
* Added : new animation
* Created : various tests
* Fixed : unit group deleted with a product
* Added : category reference for each ordered product
* Fixed : tax group is computed only if it's provided
* Moved Gastro Test to the module
* Fixed : allow snackbar issue
* Added : new command to forget module migration
* Added : new method for calculating a value percentage
* Added : websocket support
* Updated : notification to support WebSocket
* Adjusting broadcast name
* Fixed : ensure keep in sync on client-side
* Fixed : date format
* Fixed : default sidebar state
* Securing private access
* Improving comments
* Added : new middleware
* Added : pusher to composer.json
* Fixed : broadcasting configurations
* Improved : unit testing
* Updated : order date can be modified
* Updated : better error message when a tax group is not found.
* Sorted : proper message when there is a misconfiguration on the taxes
* exposing some POS queues
* fixing responsivity for cart buttons
* Fixed issue with SetupService.
* Fixed : sale price set if the tax is not provided
* Added : new crud component to edit a product expiration.
* Fixed : date time picker description
* Added : ensuring products with accurate tracking can be adjusted
* Added : label on crud table to see the items displayed and total items available
* Fixed : missing column
= v4.0.0
* Initial Release