ZUM – CI Advanced User Management System is a handy script for applications that are required a user-based authentication system. It is beneficial to save much of your development hours and focus on the key features.

If you’ll be interested, free script installation (on cPanel) for the first time after purchase (limited time).

Main Features:

  • Mobile Friendly
  • Easy Installation Using Wizard
  • Client & Server Side Form Validations
  • RESTful API (Basic Operations e.g. Login)
  • Generic User Login and Registration
  • Login with Username and Email Address
  • Social Login with Facebook, Google, and Twitter
  • Google reCaptcha
  • Secured Against XSS, SQL Injection and CSRF
  • Timezone Adaptive According to Every User’s Setting
  • Add User from Admin Panel
  • Edit User, User Profile Settings
  • Users List and Search with Different Filters
  • Date and Time Formats, Countries List
  • Password Strength Setting
  • Users Invite System
  • 2F Authentication via Email Address
  • Email Verification for Registration
  • IP Geolocation Using IPinfo API
  • Send Email to Registered User
  • Adjust User Balance
  • Multiple Throttling
  • Activities Log
  • Email Templates
  • Manage Premium Items for Users
  • Pay with Stripe (One-Time)
  • Pay with Credit (One-Time)
  • Supports Multiple Currencies
  • Invoice Module
  • Translation Ready
  • Custom Fields
  • Backup Options
  • Impersonate User from Admin Panel
  • Unlimited Roles & Permissions
  • Tickets Module
  • Cookie Consent Popup
  • Manage Active Sessions
  • Newsletter Subscription
  • Newsletter Subscribe and Unsubscribe
  • Confirmation of the Subscriber
  • Contact Messages
  • Contact Message Reply
  • Library Ready to Use
  • Remember me Option
  • Reset Password
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Pages Management
  • Announcements
  • Supports SMTP
  • Send Test Email
  • IP Blocking
  • Google Analytics
  • Ajax Based
  • Based on CodeIgniter 3

What’s Meant by Translation Ready?

This means that you can customize or add your translations by modifying the language files. You can also add your favourite languages translations.


  • Linux Hosting
  • PHP Version 7.2+
  • MySQL Database
  • Internet Connection
  • mod_rewrite
  • mbstring
  • GD Library
  • cURL
  • Mail and SMTP
  • ZipArchive

Live Demo:


Super Admin: [email protected]

Admin: [email protected]

User: [email protected]

Password (All Roles): 12345678

NOTE: In the demo mode, some of the actions are disabled and for privacy reasons, some first characters of the email addresses are hidden.


Version 1.9 (02 January 2022)

- Added Welcome User Email Template and the Related Functionality
- Added PHP 8.0 Support
- Some Minor Adjustments and Fixing in the Existing Modules

Version 1.8 (27 June 2021)

- Some Minor Improvements in the Existing Modules
- Added Ability to Remember the Collapsed State of the Sidebar
- Fixed Stripe and Some Minor Issues
- Added IP Address Filter for Activities Log
- Added Language Switcher Option in the Home Page
- Added Users Session in the Tools Module
- Updated Documentation

Version 1.7 (16 June 2021)

- Some Minor Adjustments and Fixes in the Existing Modules
- Improved the Documentation Guide e.g. FAQs

Version 1.6 (14 May 2021)

- Fixed Session Last Activity (When Impersonating) and Some Other Minor Bugs
- Added RESTful API (Users Module) for Basic Operations e.g. Login
- Some Minor Additions in the Existing Modules
- Updated Documentation by Adding the RESTful API Guide

Version 1.5 (16 April 2021)

- Added IP Geolocation Data Feature Using IPinfo API
- Added Option to Send Email to the Registered User
- Added Custom Pages (e.g. About Us) Feature
- Added Support for CI Database Session Storage
- Added Option to Take the Backup of Specific DB Tables
- Added Online Today Users Search Filter
- Fixed the `activity` Column Length Issue
- Fixed the Sidebar Positioning Issue for Mobile Screens
- Improved the Users Sessions Module
- Improved Documentation

Version 1.4 (04 April 2021)

- Added Social Links Page (User Panel)
- Added Social Links Tab in General Settings (Admin Panel)
- Improved the ZUser Library (Performance)
- Improved the Documentation

Version 1.3.1 (31 March 2021)

- Fixed Adjust Balance Log and Invoice Issue

Version 1.3 (30 March 2021)

- Added Option for Taking the Backup of "uploads" Directory
- Added "Logout From All Devices" Option (Admin Area)
- Added "Pay with Credit" Option
- Improved Online Today Count Management
- Improved Documentation by Adding the APIs Guide
- Fixed and Improved Some Graphical Components

Version 1.2 (25 March 2021)

- Added "Having Premium Time" Users Search Filter
- Added Badge on the Top of Picture for Users Having Premium Time (Manage Page)
- Added "Logout From Other Devices" Feature
- Improved Some Design Parts e.g. Navbar (Mobile Devices)
- Improved Documentation

Version 1.1 (22 March 2021)

- Added Changed Password Email Template and Related Functionality
- Fixed Alert Message Issue for the Home and Roles Permissions Page
- Updated Documentation by Adding FAQs
- Improved the Loader Icon CSS for Cross Compatibility

Version 1.0 (19 March 2021)

- Initial Release