The Future of Writing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has been promising for a long time to disrupt almost any industry that is knowledge based and relies on data and information.

One platform is now starting to deliver.

Open AI was founded in 2015 by Elon Musk and is expected to be valued at $29 Billion  at its next round of funding.

Open AI’s latest technology tool, ChatGPT was released on November 29, 2022.  In just one week one million users registered with the platform.

Why it matters

I’ve been experimenting with the platform and have been both excited and disturbed.

I’m excited by its potential to increase my content creation productivity by 1000%+. An article like this would normally take me 6 hours to research and write. With ChatGPT I got it done in just 30 minutes.

So how was I disturbed?

By its potential to create even more noise online, while reducing creativity and resulting in job losses.  

This  is not a small change but a leap into the future.

The disruption of both the verbal and written communication has arrived.

Last week I used ChatGPT to write 90% of a blog post with the headline “Get Paid to Do What You Love: The 10 Most Profitable Online Side Hustles for Passionate Entrepreneurs”. I then asked the app to write 10 headline options.

All I did was write a creative introduction and tidied  up the conclusion. I published it this week and it is my top performing article for the last month with thousands of views.

Let’s go deeper

The publishing industry has already undergone significant disruption in recent years, with the rise of e-books and the proliferation of self-publishing platforms. However, the most disruptive force in the industry is yet to come: artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or machine to mimic the cognitive functions of a human, such as learning, problem solving, and decision making.

In the publishing industry, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way books are written, edited, marketed, and even read.

One of the most significant ways that AI will disrupt the publishing industry is through the creation of “robo-authors.”

What are ‘robo-authors’?

These are AI-powered writing programs that can produce written content at a much faster rate and with fewer errors than human writers.

While robo-authors are currently limited to producing fairly simple content, such as news articles or social media posts, there is no reason to believe that they won’t eventually be able to write more complex works, such as novels and non-fiction books.

The use of robo-authors could significantly lower the cost of producing written content, as they do not need to be paid or given benefits.

This could lead to a decline in the demand for human writers, particularly for lower-paying writing jobs. However, it could also lead to a rise in the demand for human writers who can produce higher quality, more creative content that AI programs are not yet capable of producing.

How will AI disrupt the editing process?

AI will also disrupt the editing process in the publishing industry. Currently, editors play a crucial role in reviewing and improving the quality of written content.

However, with the development of AI-powered editing tools, it is possible that much of this work will be automated. These tools can analyze a text and suggest changes to improve grammar, clarity, and style.

While human editors will still be needed for more complex tasks, such as conceptual editing and fact checking, the use of AI in the editing process could lead to a decline in the number of editing jobs.

AI will also change the way books are marketed and sold. With the increasing use of big data and machine learning, AI algorithms will be able to analyze consumer behavior and recommend books to individuals based on their reading history and preferences. This could lead to a more personalized reading experience, but it could also lead to the amplification of certain voices and perspectives, as the algorithms may favor certain types of content over others.

Finally, AI will likely change the way we read books. E-readers and other digital devices have already transformed the way we consume written content, and the use of AI in these devices will take this transformation even further.

For example, AI-powered e-readers could allow readers to customize the font, layout, and reading speed of their books, or even provide real-time translations for readers who don’t speak the language of the book.

The use of artificial intelligence in the publishing industry will bring both opportunities and challenges. While it has the potential to increase efficiency and lower costs, it could also lead to job loss and the amplification of certain voices at the expense of others.

It is important for the industry to carefully consider the potential consequences of AI adoption and to ensure that it is used in a way that benefits both writers and readers.

What is ChatGPT?

GPT stands for “Generative Pre-training Transformer.” It is a type of language model that uses a transformer neural network architecture to generate human-like text.

ChatGPT is a variant of GPT that is specifically designed for generating text in a conversational style, such as in a chatbot. Chat GPT can be used to generate responses to user input in real-time, allowing it to hold natural conversations with users.

Why use ChatGPT?

There are several reasons why you might use ChatGPT:

  1. To build a chatbot: Chat GPT can be used to generate responses to user input in real-time, allowing it to hold natural conversations with users. This can be useful for creating chatbots that can assist users with tasks such as answering questions, making reservations, or providing customer support.
  2. To generate conversational text: Chat GPT can be used to generate text that has a conversational style, which can be useful for generating dialog for fictional characters in a story or script, or for generating responses to user input in a chatbot or other conversational application.
  3. To improve natural language processing (NLP) systems: Chat GPT can be used to pre-train NLP models, which can improve the performance of these models on tasks such as language translation, summarization, and text classification.
  4. To improve language generation: Chat GPT can be used to generate high-quality, human-like text, which can be useful for tasks such as generating descriptions for products or services, or generating responses to user input in a chatbot or other conversational application.

The other side of ‘disturbing’

I love words, ideas and language wrangling. But there are 2 essential sides to writing, creative writing and facts and figures.

So here’s my current thinking:

I could use ChatGPT as a resource for finding facts and figures for my articles.

I’ll also plug in a request for it to write me 10 headlines for each post.  

After that I’ll have some fun with creative writing to bookend the beginning and end of each article. 

It’s a new world and I’m having fun while trying to suspend historical predetermined judgment.

At the end of the day it is the tension of improving productivity while wrapping it in creativity. 

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