Catch up on our year full of newly released features and functionality, built for you.

We had an enormous year of releasing features and functionality in the AWeber platform in 2022 — every one dedicated to making your life easier.

Learn about all the updates we’ve added throughout the platform that make content creation faster (or automatic), make automation better and more personalized, and make navigating and managing your account easier and more intuitive.

What’s new in 2022

Write and design your emails faster

The experience of editing messages has changed so much from what it was at the beginning of 2022. Crafting your emails is more intuitive and streamlined, and you can even write an entire message without using the mouse (only the keyboard).

Paste and automatically expand links

Add a link to your messages and it’ll automatically expand to show the page’s image, description, and title — kind of like a social media preview card. This simple improvement can save you hours uploading images and copy-and-pasting from articles, videos, and product pages.

Three YouTube video displays added in seconds.
Three beautifully displayed YouTube videos added in a few seconds.

Add images your way

It’s the simple things that make creating an email faster and easier. Add header or in-line images to your messages via drag-and-drop from your desktop, copy-and-paste from a doc, or add images from your gallery or Canva right into a text element. You can customize the look of your emails easily.

Drag-and-drop elements into paragraphs

Have a last-minute addition to make? You can drop videos, buttons, social links, and other elements directly between your text (no new text element or row necessary).

Dragging and dropping an image, button, and social link into an email.
Easily add images, buttons, social icons, and more to your emails.

Never leave your keyboard, use Markdown instead

Like shortcuts? You can style your text, add bullets, dividers, and quotes right from the keyboard with Markdown — a simple design language now supported in the message editor.

Message options are out of your way until you need them

Sometimes you just want to type your whole message out before making adjustments. Well, now you can, without distraction, with our new editor menu. It pops up with the click of a button and is hidden all other times.

Promote new blog posts, videos, and products automatically

Almost every business creates digital content — blog posts, YouTube videos, social media posts, and even ecommerce products. It takes time to create this content, and when you’re done promotion can seem overwhelming. This year, we made it a whole lot easier to get more value from your content without any extra work.

Automatically add your newest content to your emails

The feed element allows you to drop an Etsy store, YouTube channel, or RSS feed into your email. Every broadcast or campaign can include your newest thing.

An email in the inbox with the newest content included in the body.
New content in the inbox.

Notification emails that go out when you hit “publish”

Your campaigns can now be triggered to send whenever you publish a new YouTube video. Or a new Etsy product. Or a new podcast or blog post. Set up your campaigns so they’ll email your audience whenever you add something new.

Campaign triggers.
Trigger your campaigns on a feed – hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.

Use RSS elements in your email campaigns

Increase RSS-triggered campaign open rates with titles in your subject line. Plus, you can include other elements from your RSS feed directly in your campaign emails. And design them however you like.

Navigating around any tool, especially one with lots of functionality, can seem overwhelming. But we made it easy with expanded options to find the page you need in an instant.

Quick actions menu

At the top of the sidebar you now have the “Quick Menu” — accessible with a click or ⌘ + K. On it, you can click to navigate to your messages, reports, integrations, etc. Even easier, click “C” to get to campaigns, “M” to get to messages, etc. throughout your account.

Pulling up the quick menu with CMD + K and using it to create a landing page.

Search, filter, and preview your content

Your campaigns, landing pages, tags, imports, and other index pages got an overhaul this year. They’re now searchable and offer on-click previews. Plus, filter your campaigns by status (draft, active, etc.) so you only see the ones you need.

Sales insights to drive even more sales

You now have more insight into what (and how much) your subscribers are buying. This can help you better understand what’s working in your emails so you can double down to make even more sales.

PayPal, Etsy, Shopify, or Stripe sales reporting

See how much money your subscribers have paid you, all on one report. No need to navigate to a bunch of different tools or calculate the sales totals yourself.

A sales report tracked over time.

One-click for detailed insights

Click on a subscriber in your sales report to see what they bought. Analyzing the products they purchase can help you learn what your audience likes the most and how effective email is for your business.

Page templates for 100+ industries

Need an email sign-up landing page? A virtual business card? A sales page? In 2022 we created over 100 new page templates for industries ranging from business coaches to plumbers to Etsy store owners.

Six landing page examples.

Check out our ever-growing landing page template gallery to find the perfect page for your needs — and one that’s professionally designed and 90% of the way done for you.

Increase to 12 social follow buttons

Among the usual suspects, we’ve added TikTok, Patreon, Twitch, Discord, Tumblr, and Pinterest as social icons you can add to your emails or landing pages.

New icons in emails and landing pages.

This is good timing, as 2023 is projected to be the year many creators and businesses seek to drive social followers to email and other tools with better control over audience communications.

Time-based personalization

People use AWeber all around the world — and many have an audience around the world, too. So a welcome campaign set to send at 8 am might be 11 pm for a reader in another time zone.

Now, you can send campaigns in the subscriber’s time zone — so every subscriber receives the email at 8 am. Better time personalization means better open rates, clicks, and sales from your campaign emails.

Google Analytics G4A

AWeber landing pages now support the G4A version of Google Analytics. If you’re using Google Analytics, it’s likely already on G4A. Simply plug your GA code into your landing page tracking field and it will “just work.”

Anyone who’s getting ready for Google to retire Universal Analytics in 2023 can breathe easy knowing they can still use any existing or new AWeber landing pages.

Developer Webhook Setup

In 2022 we gave developers the ability to set up and manage webhooks directly through their Developer account. This speeds up the time for developers building on AWeber.

Try something new!

Take this month to try a new feature in AWeber. Whether it’s learning a keyboard shortcut or setting up an automation, the knowledge could help you save time and get more out of  your email marketing. Let us know what you’d like to try in the comments.

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