At the risk of understating the obvious, digital marketing changes quickly. It’s not always easy to keep up with the latest strategies and tactics you need to keep your organization top of mind with buyers. Just a few years ago, you could put the majority of your budget toward content marketing and see record-breaking results. Now, since most companies employ content marketing in their overall marketing strategy — and 78% say it’s been very successful — it’s harder than ever to break through the noise and engage with your target market.

Non-marketers may view marketing with a ‘let’s throw it against the wall and see what sticks’ approach. But professionals know that marketing has become a data-driven, revenue-generating science. Trying new channels, technologies and methodologies is important as the world around us changes, and being strategic in the way you use these tactics together is what separates successful marketing teams from the rest. 

Marketing is a recipe. Sure, you can bake a basic batch of cookies using a few ingredients like sugar, flour, butter and eggs. But if you fill your mixing bowl with dry ingredients and toss in small amounts of liquid ingredients as an afterthought, your end result will be less than desirable. Using the right proportions is key, and adding in a new flavor twist like coconut, dark chocolate chips or a special filling can make your final product stand out in the best ways.

Metaphors aside, it’s those deliberate steps and components that make a marketing strategy successful. That’s why Kuno Creative is constantly innovating, experimenting and offering our customers access to new services and ideas that work together to achieve desired results. Take a look at the breadth of potential we can bring your business when you partner with Kuno.

Experts in the Field: Kuno Digital Marketing Services

  • Inbound Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Branding
  • Media Buying
  • SEO
  • Marketing Automation & Artificial Intelligence
  • Video Marketing
  • Website Design
  • RevOps
  • Sales Enablement
  • HubSpot Onboarding

Inbound Marketing

The phrase ‘inbound marketing’ was first uttered by HubSpot co-founder and CEO Brian Halligan back in 2005. It refers to a methodology that attracts customers through valuable content and experiences that are personalized to their wants, needs, desires and stages in the buying and decision-making process. It’s all about creating what people seek out, rather than broadcasting your message to a broad, unfiltered audience.

As a HubSpot Diamond Partner, we help companies build a solid foundation to raise brand awareness, generate new leads and grow revenue using an inbound marketing foundation. Our combination of methods deployed across platforms delivers results. Here’s how it works.

For most customers, it begins with our in-depth buyer persona process. This allows us to become experts in who your buyers are, where they spend their time online and how they make buying decisions. This insight, combined with data review and a strong strategy, allows us to target potential buyers and convert them into qualified leads. Our in-house team of brand journalists, strategists and designers collaborate to develop content ideally suited to your target audience, distributed across multiple digital channels.

We are also well-versed in applying in-depth strategies like lead nurturing, conversion rate optimization and account-based marketing to ensure engaged leads turn into loyal customers.

Our experience and deep understanding of working with growing companies allow us to set a strategy for both quick wins and a sustainable long-term approach to driving conversions and revenue.

Content Marketing

From interactive webpages and eye-catching infographics to educational eBooks and must-have guides, our brand experience experts—including brand journalists, designers and SEO professionals—know how to capture your target audience’s attention and keep them engaged with the right content.

We deliver value-rich content customized for every client, tailored to the voice, vision and goals for your brand. Just as no two businesses are exactly alike, we know that not every buyer is the same. We all have different stories that make us unique and give us different perspectives. 

Discover why Kuno is known for our content marketing—see how our content strategy targeting cardiothoracic surgeons for a medical manufacturer garnered 91 new contacts and seven customers.


How do people recognize your business? How do people understand your services or product offerings? How do people find your company online?

The answers lie in the following: brand identity, language and tone on your website and owned media. Your brand needs to run consistently through all aspects of your marketing. Establishing a brand identity is the first step any company should take when investing in digital marketing.

Author and digital marketing pioneer Ann Handley once posed the question: If someone covered up your logo, would they still know it’s you?

Branding goes beyond colors and typography: your brand is the overall presentation of your company. It’s the image, the attraction, the messaging and the compelling force that will entice potential buyers to become loyal customers.

Kuno’s branding experts have over 25 combined years of experience  establishing brands for numerous national and enterprise businesses. For example, Kuno helped to create, establish and grow the Just Add Ice orchid brand. Following the rebrand, the growers experienced immediate and sustained growth. 

Media Buying

Getting discovered by search engines and ranking organically can take months, resulting in a slow buildup of traffic and leads for your campaigns. SEO guidelines change regularly, and it requires ongoing work and expert attention to Google’s evolving prioritization to boost your search results.

Our demand generation tactics leverage multiple paid media platforms, including Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, native advertising solutions, account-based marketing technologies and more to generate targeted traffic for your campaigns right away, leading to immediate traffic and conversions.

We maximize our relationships with each media platform to continuously test and optimize our clients’ campaigns, ensuring the best results possible. We create a variety of live dashboards and reporting features, going past vanity metrics and gleaning insights that help best evaluate your return on investment.

At Kuno, our demand generation experts take a data-driven approach to sparking interest in your company’s products or services using paid media to immediately drive targeted, quality traffic. Our goals are always to increase the quantity and quality of leads experiencing your marketing efforts, thus growing brand awareness.

See how Kuno exceeded the expectations of a consumer service provider in just one month of demand generation services.


As hinted at above, SEO strategy is always in flux. Less than a decade ago, it was common practice to see companies stuffing their blogs and web pages with keywords to the point where sentences looked robotic and repetitive but didn’t really say much. These days, search engines are shifting toward prioritizing valuable content in their results that answers questions and offers the right solution based on search terms.

That’s why it’s important to have an entire team around you to identify the right keywords for your business, optimize content around those keywords and get your website ranking as high as possible with every search.

At Kuno, we start with an SEO assessment that includes analysis and recommendations for on-site and off-site elements (such as your YouTube channel) to increase visibility for your brand and website in organic search results. Along with striving for perfection in on-page technical SEO, we also identify traffic-driving keywords your competitors are utilizing and then create enhanced content to drive that traffic to your site.

Learn how Kuno client Blackline Safety experienced a 164% increase in website traffic and decreased cost per conversion following strategic SEO implementation.

Marketing Automation & Artificial Intelligence

The goal of marketing automation is to help marketers better manage contact and customer relationships, saving time by automating actions, such as personalized email sends, targeted social media posts and strategic contact lifecycle stage changes. What used to consist of generalized drip campaigns and internal notifications has been upgraded to so much more.

While it can be used in many capacities, B2B businesses can take their marketing automation strategy to the next level. Kuno helps clients easily communicate with their most promising prospects, rely less on conversion forms, respond to prospects in real-time, set up behavior-based workflows and automate social media outreach.

Additionally, marketing automation has come to include artificial intelligence (AI) technology. AI is made up of systems designed to mimic human behavior and intellect. It’s what marketers use to power bot intelligence and machine learning. AI is vital to the marketing landscape because it provides insight into audiences by spotting trends faster using data collection and social listening. 

While nothing can truly mimic the human experience, innovative marketers are utilizing AI as a tool to assist other initiatives. This technology powers chatbots, SMS campaigns and predictive analytics so brands can communicate with prospects faster and put out the right messaging to the right audiences at the right time.

Check out how Kuno utilizes a chatbot for our Request Consultation page on our website—and imagine the possibilities this functionality can help your business achieve.

Video Marketing

According to the latest research from HubSpot, video ranks as the top content marketing format for the third year in a row. The most effective type of social media content is short-form video, with TikTok’s wild success influencing just about every other visual media platform. Viewers retain 95 percent of a message delivered through video, compared to just 10 percent when reading it.

Video is engaging, easy to consume and can be highly effective at explaining or showing how a product or service works. Brands are finding success with these types of demo videos or ads highlighting their offerings, as well as video interviews with experts and short-form content that can be easily viewed on mobile devices.

Our award-winning media team creates high-quality inbound marketing videos that successfully engage potential buyers and align with overall marketing strategy and goals. We combine custom script writing with storyboarding and on-brand visuals to produce videos of the desired length depending on strategy.

View a few of our most recent video creations. Then, take a few moments to watch the UCI Fullerton Food Donation Program video that garnered Kuno client Aramark a Platinum win for video scripting below.

Website Design

A website is the face of your brand. It’s the central hub for pertinent information about your company and your products and services. It can also make or break a person’s initial impression of a business. Slow loading times, bad navigation and outdated design are all among the top reasons visitors will leave a website without taking any kind of action. 

Optimized for growth, our design experts craft user-friendly websites to target and resonate with your audience. With your core values and goals in mind, our team creates high-quality digital elements that account for what buyers expect now and into the future.

As a result, your business benefits from our website design, delivering the opportunity to offer your buyers customized experiences, clear paths to conversion and high-value design and content.

We apply a blend of philosophies, drawing from growth-driven design, user experience design and progressive, enhancement-based mobile design. We work at your pace, which means you can get a website designed, developed and completed in as much or as little time as needed to get the job done right.


Revenue Operations (RevOps) is all about aligning strategies for sustainable growth. A key piece of this is looking at the entire customer journey — not just working toward making new sales. RevOps functions by leveraging technology and platforms to streamline processes and provide visibility at every step. 

This focus on operational efficiencies helps you optimize your complete revenue journey, from acquisition and selling to closing, service and reporting. It’s not unusual for businesses to adopt several different platforms to propel their marketing efforts. However, too many tools can quickly lead to chaos or unused services that eat up budget.

Kuno’s RevOps services keep everything in harmony for clients so all teams and processes are focused on the same goal and working together to drive revenue. We conduct audits for clients and implement fine-tuned processes that boost efficiency and conversions. 

See how Kuno helped a leading ecommerce payment solutions provider reduce extraneous time spent on tasks with automation and integrations used to facilitate processes.

Sales Enablement

Your sales team will thrive through engagement with potential customers, but shouldn’t waste valuable time with prospects who are a poor fit. Sales enablement is all about preparing your team for the sales process prospects expect and prefer.

Sales enablement is highly effective in aligning sales and marketing teams by turning MQLs into SQLs with the right resources and automation tools in place. This service works because it breaks down silos between sales and marketing, establishing a solid foundation for companies to build from. 

Kuno helps brands create valuable content that answers their leads’ questions and trains sales reps on using these resources to maximum benefit. Coupled with automation, prospects are followed up with at the right time and on the right channel, so you never miss a sale. And it’s important to work with an agency who understands sales enablement. Just because you’re doing it doesn’t mean you’re doing it right. Sales enablement mistakes can be lethal for businesses!

HubSpot Onboarding

More than 150,000 companies use HubSpot for their sales, marketing and customer support initiatives. HubSpot offers an abundance of training materials and resources to set you up for success, as well as consulting packages to get users up and running on the platform. 

At Kuno, we provide more than just a walkthrough of onboarding and getting set up with HubSpot. We execute and implement your technical setup, and you’ll have access to a dedicated team for strategy and management depending on your organization’s key performance indicators (KPIs). We develop a customized process that fits your industry and business model, including but not limited to importing your contacts, prospects and other data, as well as setting up custom report dashboards and analytics.

It’s important to be equipped with the most up-to-date tools and knowledge, whether you’re a HubSpot novice or a seasoned user. Our job through HubSpot Onboarding is to set you up for success so your internal team can best utilize the platform, as well as lean on us to set up workflows, campaigns, personas, pipelines and more.

Combining Digital Marketing Services for Success

It is impossible to see long-term, sustained success from just one or two tactics. We see the best results when we apply inbound marketing and sales strategies across all channels. Read our blog for more insight, and our case studies to get inspired by client success stories. 

If you are ready to see how our wide array of digital marketing services can help your company reach the next level of qualified leads and closed sales, schedule a consultation today.

Request a Consultation

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