Just as we did earlier when comparing Other bulk email tools, let’s do a new analysis. If earlier we compared Mailrelay with Sendinblue and Mailchimp; this time, the comparison will be between Mailrelay, Mailjet, and Acumbamail.

We will see the pros and cons, always focusing on sending email marketing campaigns, or newsletters to understand the main characteristics of each system.

In addition, to facilitate the comparison of the information that we will offer, we will review the features available on the free account of each bulk email tool.

So that you don’t have to take what we’re saying for granted, you can access the website of each email marketing software and register to try the options offered by each system.

Let’s get started!

· Free newsletter package and daily sending limits

Most bulk email tools offer a free account, so you can compare and use the software without paying for it first.

But the similarities end there, as most free accounts are quite different.

Above all, there are two main differences that can affect (you can be sure of that) your email marketing campaigns:

1) The number of monthly messages you can send. That is, how many emails the free account will allow you to send every month.

2) And the daily sending limit if any. how many emails can you send per day.

Let’s see how the aforementioned tools are different.

⌐ Mailjet

This free email marketing account lets you send up to 6,000 emails per month with no contact limit, allowing you to upload as many contacts as you wish because the limit is only for emails sent.

On the other hand, the free version has a sending limit of 200 emails per day.

They also add a logo to every email you send.

⌐ Acumbamail

Acumbamail’s free account allows you to send 2,000 emails monthly, with a management limit of 250 contacts. The daily sending limit is also 250 emails.

It is an account designed so that you can test the features offered by this bulk email tool and understand how it works when you are getting started.

On the free account, all your emails will include a link indicating that the message was sent by Acumbamail.

⌐ Mailrelay

With Mailrelay’s free account, you can send as soon as you access the bulk email tool, up to 80,000 emails per month, and upload up to 20,000 contacts.

The Mailrelay free account doesn’t include logos or adsin the emails you send.

There is also no daily sending limit.

Estadísticas de envío en tiempo real

· Real-time advanced statistics

Let’s now compare the statistics available in each software, which is a vital aspect of managing your email campaigns. Through the statistics, you can analyze your strategies’ results and make the necessary adjustments.

Most bulk email tools include statistics of some kind, although on the informational pages of the different email services, it’s not quite clear what exactly is included.

⌐ Mailjet

This bulk email tool indicates that it includes advanced statistics for the free plan.

⌐ Acumbamail

The info page doesn’t make it very clear what stats are included on the free plan. But it’s clear that the paid versions include advanced statistics.

⌐ Mailrelay

In the case of Mailrelay, the free version offers the same features as the paid version (only the sending limits will be different) and therefore the free version includes advanced real-time statistics.

These statistics include, among other data:

◆ Which contacts opened the emails

◆ Which contacts clicked on the links

◆ Comparison of links with more clicks (heat map)

◆ Email addresses that unsubscribed, spam complaints

◆ Soft and hard bounces, click and open rates.

◆  Etc.

All this information will be useful for checking the results of your campaigns.

Soporte y posibilidad de acceso multiusuario

·  Technical support

This is one of those aspects that should be considered as priority by any user, whether or not they have experience.

Sooner or later, you will probably need help, and sometimes you will need help very urgently (When you least expect).

So it doesn’t hurt to at least know what support options are available for each bulk email tool.

⌐ Mailjet

It doesn’t offer support for the free plan. It is included onl from the basic paid plan.

⌐ Acumbamail

On the information page about the tariffs, nothing is indicated in this regard, so if you need support, it would be best to contact them.

⌐ Mailrelay

Mailrelay’s free account includes full support through:

◆ Online chat

◆ Phone

◆ Ticket via email

◆ And other means of support and customer service.

In this way, any queries can be quickly solved.

Contenido dinámico en los emails enviados

·  Dynamic content in your emails (tags)

What is dynamic content?

These sections of a newsletter’s content will be displayed with information unique to contacts that meet certain conditions.

These conditions can be defined using custom Fields for each contact (city, hobbies, preferences…)

What can you do using dynamic content?

For example, you could show or hide a section of the email based on whether the subscriber is from a different state, is a former customer, or has certain interests.

This is a very useful option for sending more complex mailings with more custom content.

⌐ Mailjet

This advanced functionality is included in Mailjet for users who work with the Premium plan or higher.

⌐ Acumbamail

At this time, we don’t know if this feature is available on any of the Acumbamail plans, free or paid.

⌐ Mailrelay

Mailrelay includes all the available features in the free account. Therefore, this feature is also included.

You can read more about its use in Mailrelay here.

To use it, you will first need to create some variables (custom fields) and import the required data.

·  Multi-user access with advanced permissions

If the same account is accessed by several people for managing email marketing campaigns, it is possible to create several users with diferente permissions:

◆Access for editing newsletters only.

◆Access with permission to import contacts.

◆Or to edit and manage critical aspects of the account.

To give just a few examples, although it is indeed possible to set up many different options based on the role of each user.

⌐ Mailjet

The option to create multiple users with different permissions is available from the paid enterprise plan (for 900,000+ contacts).

⌐ Acumbamail

There is no information about an option for creating more than one user and assign custom permissions.

If you need this feature, you can contact them directly.

⌐ Mailrelay

Mailrelay’s free account allows you to create multiple users as well as different permissions for each of them.

Permissions don’t have to be manually assigned to each user, since it is possible to create different profiles and assign (and change) these profiles for specific users.

·  Automation

Automations and autoresponders are used to send emails automatically for more advanced processes that could not be manually managed.

For example:

◆After a new contact signs up, you could send them an email automatically offering them a lead magnet or a presentation of your project.

◆ Or send them an email on their birthday.

◆ Even in response to their actions on other campaigns.

It is, therefore, a resource that you will most likely need to use in the future, even if you are only getting started with email marketing.

⌐ Mailjet

Automations can be found on Mailjet on the paid premium account, this option is not available for the free plan.

⌐ Acumbamail

This option is included in the basic paid plan, so it is also not available for the free account.

⌐ Mailrelay

The automation that Mailrelay includes are much more basic than the ones we can find in other tools such as Sendinblue.

That’s because Mailrelay is a bulk email tool more focused on sending newsletters than in marketing automation.

However, all available options can be used with a free account. You can see some automation features here.

Segmentación de la lista de contactos

· Email list segmentation

Earlier, when we talked about dynamic content, we commented that it is possible to import, through custom fields, extra information about your subscribers.

Through this information, you can segment the contacts, that is, separate them from the rest using different targeting options.

And not just based on the information that we can import into the system, but also using the data obtained from the sent mailings:

◆ Which campaigns were opened

◆ Links that received clicks

◆ Campaigns that have not been opened

This information can be added to custom fields for creating different segmentation filters and send a newsletter only to the contacts that meet the previously defined criteria.

⌐ Mailjet

With the free Mailjet account, it is not possible to use a segmentation tool. It is only available to those who sign up for a premium or higher plan.

⌐ Acumbamail

From what we can see, there is no information about this feature on their page.

⌐ Mailrelay

At Mailrelay, you can segment your contacts using the options we previously explained.

I recommend that you give this feature a try. You can see other options for segmentation and more information here.

Editor de emails sencillo

· Easy-to-use email editor (newsletters)

Easy-to-use email editor (newsletters)

All of the email marketing services we are reviewing offer this resource.

Most of today’s newsletter editors are very easy to use.

For example, the one offered by Mailrelay allows you to drag and drop different types of blocks (images, text, etc.).

Also, the designs generated with these editors adapt without problems to any device with different size screens.

· Transactional emails

Transactional emails are emails sent individually to a contact. Unlike mass emails that are sent to thousands of contacts.

These are email addresses like:

◆ Confirmation of purchase or order

◆ Changes to orders or systems

◆ Sending a document or password

◆  Etc.

⌐ Mailjet

You can use Mailjet Developer API to send transactional emails, but the website doesn’t indicate which plans it is available for.

⌐ Acumbamail

It also looks like it’s possible to use some sort of transactional emails, although there is no further information on the requirements.

⌐ Mailrelay

Mailrelay includes options for sending transactional emails, whether through the SMTP service or using the API for developers.

· Now it’s your turn to decide which bulk email tool to use.

With all the points we’ve seen in this comparison, it’s up to you to decide which service best suits what you need.

If you need it, we also have other articles on the Mailrelay blog about Other features that were not analyzed in this comparison.

I hope this text will be useful for you.

Translated by Micheli.

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