Why Case Studies Are Your First Priority for Content Creation

Are you looking for ways to differentiate your law firm website from competitors? You’ve got the basics covered:

  • A solid website that displays all your services and service areas.
  • Well-written biography and history of the firm. 
  • Proper navigation and calls to action to encourage potential clients to connect. 

But what’s next? 

We believe case studies should be the top priority when writing content for law firm websites. Keep reading to learn why, and how.

Why Are Case Studies Effective?

Case studies provide real-word relatable resolutions to potential clients. Good case studies tell stories, engage the reader, and hopefully create an emotional response. They provide social proof that the work your firm does is successful and impactful for clients. And having social proof is where you need to be in this day and age where reviews are everything. In order to set your firm apart from all the others, having real world examples is a must-have to convince people to contact your firm.

Clients want to know that your firm:

  1. Has experience in their area  
  2. Have had SUCCESS in their area
  3. Have real world relatable examples

Case studies can provide all that and more.

What Is A Case Study?

Simply put, a case study tells the story of your firm’s successes. As simple as that sounds, crafting the story can be a bit more challenging. 

How To Write a Case Study

  1. Identify the areas you want your business to focus. 
    Choose case studies that are key to your law firm’s success. Don’t focus on case studies that are edge case scenarios, but instead focus on case studies that will draw in the most clients. Focus on the most relevant cases where you want to draw attention and gain more clients from.
  1. Find a case where you succeeded in that area.
    Once you have found the right area to focus on, then you can find a case where you had success to report. Obviously, larger numbers make a larger impact, but if the case is not something that will be relevant to a larger number of potential clients, you’ll need to reconsider. Just because you had a huge settlement on a case, if it isn’t a case that occurs often or there is much market for – you may not want to write an entire case study for it. Those types of success are good for quick headlines, but not where you want to invest time in writing the story if it isn’t a case that will come up often.
  2. Get permission from the client if relevant.
    You may want to consider asking the client who’s case you are going to highlight if it is OK to share the story. Let them know their identity and any private information is kept confidential, of course. Most clients don’t mind, but you should ask first as a professional. If you have signed an NDA, you can get around that by being very vague, but that can be more challenging.
  3. Tell the story.
    Telling the story can be the hardest part. To get started telling the story, begin with describing the problem, enter into how you resolved it, and finish up with the results.

Not only are legal case studies a valuable tool to help convert users to clients, they are a highly effective marketing tool that can be used across multiple platforms, helping to boost natural search optimization results, adding to social media content, and utilizing the case studies as video to help conversions on your website.

Need Help Writing Your Law Firm Case Studies?

TheeDigital are experts in the area of law firm marketing. We’ve got the experience you need to help. Contact us today to learn about how TheeDigital can help move your business forward by writing case studies, delving into paid advertising or even fully redesigning your law firm website.

About The Author:
Melissa Read

Melissa is Lead Project Manager at TheeDigital with over 20 years of eCommerce, web design and project management skills.

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