Kolor | PhoneGap & Cordova Mobile App - 1

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Elite Author

  • Elite Quality Item with 7 + years experience!
  • Elite Quality Support with 24/7 responses to tickets!
  • Elite Quality Support with the best documentations on the market!
  • Main Features

  • Mobile & Tablet Ready
  • PhoneGap & Cordova Compatible
  • 400 + Resizable icons by Font Awesome
  • Crisp, Clear, and Beautiful Fonts by Google Fonts
  • OwlCarousel Slider & Swipebox Image Galleries
  • CSS3 / PHP / Ajax Contact form with Validation
  • Included Pages

    We’ve included all possible pages you can need, starting from the most basic to some of the advanced ones you may encounter or require!

    Media & Images

    We’ve included multiple gallery and portfolio variations for all your needs, if you’re using this a simple site template for your page or you want to highlight a gallery of products or images, we’ve got them covered!

    Want more features? Here’s a list!

    If you think that’s all, you’re far from the truth! We included everything your heart can desire in our mobile templates to provide you with a perfect site template for your page without compromising on features and without cutting them away.

    Typography Features

  • Text Columns
  • Image Columns
  • Icon Columns
  • Responsive Images with Aspect Ratio
  • Responsive Videos with Aspect Ratio
  • Responsive Maps with Aspect Ratio
  • CSS3 Multiple Heading Styles
  • CSS3 Dropcaps
  • CSS3 Highlights
  • CSS3 Table
  • CSS3 Quotes
  • CSS3 Toggles
  • CSS3 Accordion
  • CSS3 Tabs
  • CSS3 Large Notifications
  • CSS3 Small Notifications
  • CSS3 Fields
  • CSS3 Checkboxes
  • CSS3 Radios
  • CSS3 3D Buttons
  • CSS3 Squared Buttons
  • CSS3 Rounded Buttons
  • CSS3 Social Buttons
  • FontAwesome Lists
  • jQuery Features

  • jQuery Page Preloading
  • jQuery Device Detection
  • jQuery + CSS3 Navigation
  • jQuery Toggles
  • jQuery Accordion
  • jQuery Tabs
  • jQuery Quote Slider
  • jQuery Staff Slider
  • jQuery Image Sliders
  • jQuery Share from Bottom Pop-Up
  • jQuery Contact Form with Field Validation
  • Design Features

  • Optimized for Touch Devices
  • CSS3 Based Design
  • Simple, beautiful, elegant Design
  • 8 Color Schemes for different elements
  • iOS / Android Home Icon & Splash Screen
  • High Definition / Retina Graphics
  • Ergonomic Navigation
  • Designed for a intuitive User Experience
  • Responsive for Tablets, for a better experience
  • Fully scalable icons, pixel perfect
  • OS Requirements

    iOS 10+
    Android 6+


    Version 4.0.4 – 20th September 2021

    - Global - Improvements for new iOS15 Tab Bar Safari interface.
    - Global - Bootstrap 5.x JS, CSS and SCSS updated to Latest Versions (5.1 Stable)
    - Global - FontAwesome Library Updated to latest 5.1.3 Version
    - Bug Fix - Removed page-bg div from menu-main.html. Bug would sometimes cause the main sidebar not to close on backdrop tap / click.

    Version 4.0.3 – 13th July 2021

    - Global - Bootstrap 5.x JS, CSS and SCSS updated to Latest Versions (5.0.1 Stable)
    - Implemented Google API for Google Maps for new Google Standards

    Version 4.0.2 – 19th April 2021

    - Global - Bootstrap 5.x JS, CSS and SCSS updated to Latest Verisons (5.0 Beta 3)
    - Files Updated - scss/bootstrap folder, styles/bootstrap.css, scripts/bootstrap.min.js 
    - Documentation - Improved Documentation files in Bootstrap 5.x Version

    Version 4.0.1 – 26th March 2021
    Fixed small issue affecting filterable gallery.

    - Bugfix - Filterable Gallery HTML Page updated;

    Version 4.0 – 16th March, 2021
Kolor now comes in Bootstrap 5.x with NO jQuery dependency (Kolor Version 4.0), written in Vanilla JavaScript. We’ve also included the Bootstrap 4.5 Version with jQuery Dependency (Kolor Version 3.1) and we’ll keep providing support for both version for a long time from now!

    Kolor now comes in 2 Versions
    - Bootstrap 5.x - Vanilla JavaScript, no jQuery Dependency - Integrated Footer Menu & Sidebar Menu (5.0 Beta 2)
    - Bootstrap 4.5 - jQuery Version - Sidebar & Footer Menu separate versions.

    Version 3.1 – 10th January 2021
    Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added a fixed Footer Menu version as well!

    - Global - Kolor now has a Footer Menu Version as well. You can use Kolor with a Sidebar Design or with a Footer Bar design.
    - Full RTL Support for both Sidebar and Footer versions.

    Version 3.0 – 14th November, 2020
    Kolor is now running Bootstrap 4.5, as per customer feedback, we always listen!

    - Global - Bootstrap 4.5 Framework
    - Added - SCSS Files for faster and easier editing.
    - All pages and previous features converted to Bootstrap.
    - Improvement - Bootstrap Grid System for Columns
    - Improvement - Full support for Flex containers easier asymmetrical columns.
    - Improvement - External loaded sidebar. Edit one file and all HTML files will be automatically updated.
    - Improvement - Loading Speed improved by 20%.
    - Added - Automatic Dark Mode detection.
    - Added - Show content based on Light or Dark Mode
    - Added - Support for any card design, with any position of captions.
    - Added - Programmatic support for Toasts, Snackbars, Menus, Notifications
    - Added - Alerts Website Styled and Alerts/Notifications Mobile Styled.
    - Added - Badges to headers and ability to open "more menu" inside header badges.
    - Added - User Lists and Link Lists with Switch / Toggle / Multiple Icon Support.
    - Added - Added Instagram Styled Mobile Profile Page.

    Version 2.1.1 – 7th October, 2020

    - Fixed an issue where the contact form was not display correctly.

    Version 2.1 – 23 March, 2020

    - All Scripts and Styles to Latest Stable Versions
    - Minor optimisations in framework.css

    Version 2.0 – 20 November, 2019

    - Added -  External loaded menus for faster editing
    - Added - Action Sheet / Modal for Language Picker
    - Added - Footer Menu Version.
    - Page - Wallet Page with Card Style.
    - Page - Transactions Graph in Wallet Page.
    - Page - Instagram Style Profile Page.
    - Component - Scrolling Show / Hide Ads.
    - Component - Footer Menu Styles.
    - Component - Geolocation Web API.
    - Component - Vibration Web API.
    - Component - File Upload Web API.
    - Component - QR Code Generator.
    - Component - Embedly – Embed Anything.
    - Component - Facebook Comments Plugin.
    - Component - Disqus Comments Plugin.
    - Component - Online / Offline Detection.
    - Improvement - Footer Menu Padding Increase for Better Visibility.
    - Improvement - Remember Light or Dark Mode for Future Visits.
    - Improvement - Remember Selected Gradient Background for Future Visits.
    - Improvement - All Scripts and Styles to Latest Stable Versions
    - Improvement - Kolor now loads menus from external HTML Files for much faster and global editing.

    Version 1.2 – 26th January, 2019

     - Added - Added new profile page. 

    Version 1.1 – 3rd January, 2019

     - Optimisations - CSS Optimisation – No Major Changes. 