The success of your email marketing efforts, your subscribers’ profiles, and your ability to tailor your messages to each individual will all be revealed by monitoring these Email Marketing Metrics.

Did you know?

More than 293.6 billion emails were exchanged in 2019 and the number is expected to reach the 347.3 billion mark by 2022.

How happy are you with the way your email marketing campaign is now performing? If you aren’t already, here are some key metrics for your email marketing campaign that you should consider.

Email marketing is one of the few marketing methods that has truly taken hold and is widely employed in today’s business environment.

Sending out emails to potential and existing customers is an example of email marketing, a sort of digital marketing. \If you know what you’re doing, you can leverage the emails you send to customers to build relationships, which will boost sales dramatically. 

Learn some measures you may use to gauge your marketing campaign performance if you want to implement this strategy for your organization. 

You may be able to optimize your emails for higher interaction using the data to prevent making some of the more typical mistakes made by beginners.

See how you can improve your email marketing by looking at these key metrics. But first, let us know what email marketing is and what email marketing metrics are.

What are Email marketing metrics?

Email marketing performance metrics for campaigns are indications for evaluating the overall efficacy of email marketing efforts.

Two groups may be identified: the first deals with the standard measurements of engagement, and the second centers on the factors that lead to actual sales.

What is Email Marketing?

EMAIL MARKETING for droshipping

Sending a commercial message by email, usually to many individuals, is known as “email marketing.”

Email marketing, in its most basic definition, is the practice of communicating with present or future customers by email to advertise and sell goods and services, gain brand loyalty, or even raise money for a good cause. 

This promotional tool can announce the latest deals, offers, and alterations to clients. It’s a time-tested method of advertising that has shown to be both effective and economical.You can also opt for quality blogger outreach.

Blogger outreach helps your business achieve more name recognition, bringing in more of your ideal customers.

The best part is that it’s a digital marketing approach that can help you with long and short-term goals. It is an approach that involves sending targeted emails to influential people like bloggers and journalists to get your product or content noticed.

Why is it crucial to track email metrics?

Devices used to check emails

You’re wasting your time and energy if you send emails, but you need to track and analyze their performance. If you don’t track your progress, you could put in a lot of time and effort without seeing any return on investment.

It’s easy to attribute a sudden uptick in sales to your new monthly newsletter, but tracking your emails is the only way to know. The ability to gauge your target demographic is a significant driver for user tracking.

At the outset of an email marketing campaign’s development, the only information available is the email addresses of subscribers and the fact that they have expressed an interest in the goods or services your business has to offer.

An enormous advantage of email tracking and reporting is the ability to build a complete profile of your subscribers. Customers’ preferences, interests, and reactions to the various components of your emails may all be catered to once you have a complete profile of them.

If you’re in the retail industry, coupons could be a particularly effective email piece for drawing customers in. A shorter subject line is more effective than a longer one in getting your customers’ attention.

Once you’ve monitored and evaluated your emails, you may modify all of these features to suit the needs of your audience better.

The Most common Email Marketing Metrics

Below are the top email marketing metrics to measure the success in 2022 or beyond

Click-through rate:

The percentage of email recipients who take action on a link within an email is measured by the click-through rate (CTR), a key metric in email marketing. This number shows how interesting and useful your emails are to your audience, making them crucial.

If 100 people receive your email, but only 10 of them click through, clearly something isn’t clicking with your target demographic.

However, a low CTR isn’t necessarily indicative of irrelevant emails. There are some easy things you may try to boost CTR before you give up on the campaign altogether. 

CTR Formula

A few strategies to increase the likelihood that your recipients will interact with the content you offer them are to include links within the email, personalize the message, and send fewer messages that are better targeted.

The Click-through rate (CTR) for an email campaign is determined by the percentage of recipients who opened at least one of the campaign’s emails.

The percentage of recipients that clicked on your email link can be determined by dividing the total number of clicks by the total number of emails sent. To express a percentage, simply multiply that figure by 100.

Conversion rate:

calculate the conversion rates

Learn how many people who opened your email took the next step and converted by viewing your conversion rate. But it does more than simply count the number of clicks on your website.

Even if a user clicks through, that doesn’t guarantee they’ll buy anything. Keeping tabs on your conversion rate will show you whether or not your marketing efforts are yielding a return. The conversion rate is the statistics that reveal if people are clicking on your links and purchasing your product.

Count the number of purchases you made and divide that number by the number of emails you sent to get a feel for your conversion rate. Once you have that figure, multiply it by 100. For example, a 5% conversion rate is achieved if 100 sales are made after sending 2,000 emails.

Changing your subject lines or rearranging your content could be all it takes to boost your response rate. However, there are other, more important considerations, such as the ease of access to your landing page.

Customers aren’t going to stay on your email list if they have a hard time signing up. They won’t get to the stage where they have a buying option with your firm.

Bounce Rate:

The rate at which your emails are returned unopened is known as the “bounce rate” or “email bounce rate.”

Bounce Rate Formula

Every time you send an email, the service provider records the number of “bounces” to determine whether or not to include future emails from you in the inboxes of your receivers. You should know two distinct sorts of bounces: hard and soft.

Hard Bounce: Messages sent to nonexistent or incorrect email addresses result in a “hard bounce,” meaning they are sent back to the sender.

Hard bounces indicate that an email was never successfully delivered, so once you see them, it’s time to get rid of the associated addresses. Hard bounces are one-factor ISPs use to evaluate sender reputation.

Soft Bounce: On the other hand, soft bounces occur when there are momentary problems, such as a full inbox or server trouble.

Although the user’s email address is accurate, your message will not be delivered to them due to problems on the recipient’s end. Once the problem has been resolved, you can resend the message, or the serves may do it automatically. 

The bounce rate is found by dividing the number of emails marked as spam by the total number of emails sent and then multiplying that by 100. If you want to get to the bottom of any underlying problems in your email marketing strategy, tracking the bounce rate is a must.

If your website has a high rate of visitors leaving without clicking anything, it may be considered spam by internet service providers.

Poor delivery, poor content, poor sender reputation, and so on can all contribute to spam complaints, which should be factored into this measure. If a person reports your email as spam, it’s safe to assume they’re not thrilled about receiving it.

You can decrease spam complaints and page views by using a double opt-in form. When someone joins your list, they often don’t interact with you again. Making a simple subscription, however, raises the risk that the user would be misled during the purchase decision.

In order to verify users’ email addresses and gain permission to receive emails from your business, the double opt-in form sends them an additional email link in addition to the initial subscription email.

Unsubscribe rate:

Email Marketing stats

You really can’t undervalue your email unsubscribe rate KPI! Unsubscribe rates are calculated by dividing the total number of unsubscribes by the total number of emails sent to your recipients.

Your email unsubscribe rate can teach you a lot, both good and bad. For instance, a low unsubscribe rate may indicate that few people marked your email as spam.

Unsubscribe rate Fomula

Another possibility is that your readers lose interest in your emails if the unsubscribe rate is high. Having them taken from your list, in that case, might enhance the effectiveness of your deliverability and result in financial savings. Additionally, you are more likely to lower your unsubscribe list the more you segment your list.

Why so? Because the target audience wants to hear your messages. This is advantageous. Due to the need to make their email marketing efforts more personalized, many businesses employ emailing CRM technologies.

Watch for patterns in your unsubscribe rate if you’ve lately made a change. There may be changes in the following:

  • The overhaul of the template.
  • Segmenting the population.
  • Increasing or decreasing EDM frequency.
  • Buyer group segmentation.
  • Setting up a new mailing schedule.

Open rate:

Open rate Fomula

You can calculate the open email rate by dividing the number of emails opened by the total number of emails you sent minus any that bounced or were not delivered.

The open rate is an essential metric to track because it lets you know how many recipients are reading your emails and, as a result, how many people are consuming the content you provide. 

The graphic only displays a small portion of the industries under this open rate category. The emails toward the top of each list typically have better open rates than those near the bottom.

If your open rate appears a little low, you could test a few things. Users examine an email’s subject line prior to opening it, so consider using a different one. Try something a bit longer, for instance, if your subject line is simply one word.

Try changing it, like capitalizing the first letter of each word if it was entered using only lowercase letters, to see if there is a difference in the open rate. However, by altering the time you send email blasts, bulletins, offers, or other information, you can increase the number of clicks and reads on your emails.

If you notice that most of your emails are frequently opened at a given time of day, try to match the campaign’s activity with your receivers’ habits to determine if your campaign works better.

Email ROI:

ROI Email Marketing

In email marketing, ROI, or return on investment, allows us to assess how profitable your email marketing campaigns have been.

A retailer’s return on email marketing investment is calculated by comparing the whole amount spent on the strategy with the total amount gained. Following is the formula for calculating the ROI of an email marketing campaign:

(Revenue – Spent)/Spent = Return on Investment %

Earnings are calculated as the total of all sales generated during a given time using digital channels such as email marketing, automated workflows, etc. The quantity of emails you’ve sent is not emphasized.

In addition to the cost of the email service itself, you will also have to factor in the salaries of the email marketers, developers, and anybody else who contributed to the successful execution of your email marketing strategy simultaneously.

It might be challenging to put a figure on the time and effort that goes into things like email layout and copywriting, product selection, etc. Your return on investment (ROI) analysis is correct with factual data.

Many e-commerce marketers, as a result, focus on more concrete metrics, such as the return on investment (ROI) for their email marketing tool. The formula is as follows:

  • Take the total amount of money made in a given month.
  • Deduct the cost of the email service for that month.
  • Divide the result by the cost of the email service for that month.

List Growth Rate:

How quickly your email list expands is called “list growth.” One of the most complex email Key metrics, quality subscriber growth, doesn’t always equal increased engagement and conversions from your email list.

You need active subscribers interested enough in what you send them to read your emails, maybe become customers, and click through any links you may include. As a result, the list growth rate is related to other key performance indicators (KPIs) in email marketing.

List Growth Rate Formula

If your list growth rate is positive, it means that you are gaining subscribers faster than you are losing them, likely because of the high quality of the content you send out.

The list growth rate can be calculated by dividing the subscribers gained minus those lost by the total number of email addresses in your database. A percentage is calculated by taking the answer and multiplying it by 100.

Forward and sharing rates:

This indicator looks at how many recipients have forwarded the Email using the “forward” or “share this” links provided.

Forward and sharing rates Formula

Since the people on your mailing list are already familiar with your brand, learning how often they forward or distribute your emails is crucial for expanding your network. Personalizing your emails is the first step in increasing their forwarding and distribution rates.

Personalized emails get forwarded far more often than generic ones. It’s not enough to simply have a forward CTA in your Email; you should also make sure the content is something people will want to share because they found it helpful, interesting, or relevant to an upcoming event.

We can determine the forward and sharing rate by dividing the total number of forwards or shares by the total number of delivered emails. To get a percentage, multiply that figure by 100.

RPS (Revenue Per Subscriber )

RPS (Revenue Per Subscriber ) Formula

Revenue Per Subscriber (RPS) is a helpful indicator that companies may use to determine the profit each subscriber generates.

Your RPS is comparable to your Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), a metric that enables you to monitor your growth rate and assess it against that of your rivals.

Revenue Per Campaign (RPC)

Along with RPS, another crucial email indicator to determine the revenue earned from your communications is Revenue Per Campaign (RPC).

You can create a successful email marketing funnel by keeping an eye on your RPC to figure out which email marketing campaigns are most effective for your audience and how to reproduce their performance in the future.

Subscriber Lifetime Value (SLV)

You can use the information to get your Subscriber Lifetime Value (SLV) after determining your revenue per subscriber (RPS) (SLV).

The average amount of time a person stays on your mailing list before unsubscribing is displayed by this email measure.

Email Read Rate

You can tell how many people actually read your email campaigns by looking at the percentage of opened emails and the average amount of time they spent reading each one.

For more crucial email marketing initiatives, including privacy-related alerts, this measure is helpful.

Knowing whether or not your subscribers actually read your campaign, as opposed to merely opening it and clicking away without doing anything more useful with it, is a huge time saver.

Mobile Open Rate

Did you know that 46% of emails were opened on mobile devices in 2022? Why do you need to monitor your mobile open rate and what does this signify for your email metrics?

In the beginning, tracking your mobile openings will assist you in better planning your email campaigns, including selecting responsive designs, tailoring your email subject lines for mobile devices, etc.

Additionally, you may develop tailored messaging for your mobile consumers to boost engagement and provide them with one-of-a-kind experiences.

Spam reporting:

Knowing which mailbox is receiving your outgoing messages is crucial. If most of your subscribers’ emails are going straight to their spam folder, you have a problem.

The deliverability of your emails may be better in the long run if recipients often report messages that end up in the spam folder. 

Spam reporting formula

In addition, check to see if there is anything on your end causing the emails to be marked as spam. Sending emails may be disabled if your account is marked as spam too often.

In the same way, a high bounce rate can hurt your reputation; having your emails marked as spam too often can do the same.

A high spam score may indicate that your readers are interested in something other than what you have to say. It’s time to reassess your email marketing strategy, no matter how challenging it may appear.

Indicators of Successful Campaign Delivery:

Segmented email campaigns

Before attempting to send any messages, Email Sent asserts the total number of messages in the queue. Delivery costs for email services are typically calculated using this statistic. The data is displayed as a whole number.

The total number of valid email addresses that received the message is displayed in Email Goes. This number is presented in a format that is quite similar to that of standard email delivery reports.

There is no ambiguity about how many emails were successfully sent to their intended inboxes without any bounce or other delivery issues being reported.

It’s crucial to understand that if a message is accepted and then moved to the spam folder, it is still considered delivered. Email Inbox Delivered is to provide feedback on the email campaign’s efficiency and effectiveness.

This estimate is often calculated by measuring emails sent, then removing any emails that did not make it into the inbox.


Prioritizing monitoring these email marketing metrics will provide you with a complete picture of the success of your initiatives.

Additionally, you’ll gain insight into the preferences of your subscribers and the kinds of messages they find most valuable. The success or failure of an email campaign hinges on its subject line, which must be written so that recipients click on it. 

They may never return if you lose them before they even open the Email. You should also monitor the number of clicks on the links contained in your emails.

You should start segmenting your email list if you’re having trouble getting your subscribers to take action so you can send them more individualized information.

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