The Wyze Cam Outdoor on a porch.
Michael Crider

Wyze Home Monitoring customers may get some weird notifications from 4 PM to 5 PM ET on March 2nd. That’s because Wyze is running a test to try and fix the Security Camera feature in Home Monitoring. Customers with iOS devices may receive critical security alerts during this test, and Android users might get unnecessary push notifications.

The Security Camera feature was supposed to give Home Monitoring customers a heads-up when intruders try to break in their homes. Unfortunately, Security Camera doesn’t work and has been disabled since Home Monitoring launched. Wyze now believes it knows the root of this problem, but it wants to run a test outside of its labs to make sure it can successfully resolve the issue.

The Security Camera feature in Wyze Home Monitoring was meant to be an outer layer of protection to prevent intruders from entering your doors or windows … However, the Security Camera feature had some issues and didn’t work as expected. So we removed the product logic and only kept the Security Camera app interface over the past year.

If the test is successful, Wyze will patch Security Camera in some products on March 10th. The company also warns that, if you want to avoid any notifications during testing, you can disable Threat Alerts by navigating to “Home Monitoring Settings,” selecting “Security Cameras,” and tapping “Threat Alerts” in the Wyze app.

The Wyze app's threat alert settings, which let you choose alerts by Motion Detection, Person Detection, or smoke alarms.
Here are the options available in Wyze’s Threat Alert settings. Wyze

Here are the Threat Alert triggers Wyze will test on March 2nd:

  • Wyze Cam v2: Motion detection and Person Detection
  • Wyze Cam Pan v1: Motion detection, Person Detection, and CO/Smoke alarm sound detection
  • Wyze Cam v3: Motion detection, Person Detection, and CO/Smoke alarm sound detection

Note that Wyze will not test Threat Alert Triggers for the Wyze Cam Outdoor or Wyze Doorbell V1.

Please be assured that during the test, and after the fix has been released, triggering a Security Camera will NOT dispatch the police regardless of whether you’re using Test Mode or not.

If Wyze manages to fix Security Camera, you may want to go in your app settings and adjust your Threat Alerts. Otherwise, non-threatening animals or objects may trigger annoying alerts and notifications. Open the Wyze app, navigate to “Home Monitoring Settings,” and select “Security Cameras” to edit your Threat Alert preferences. (The company specifically suggests setting all outdoor cameras to Person Detection only, as raccoons and cats could trigger the basic Motion Detection setting.)

For information on Wyze’s test, please read the company’s full email. Again, only iOS users will see critical alerts, though Android users may receive push notifications during this test.

Source: Wyze

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