Elementor Post Grid Builder Addon
Elementor addon to build advanced posts grids. Useful for generating post grid from your blog posts and custom posts. Supports ACF and WooCommerce
This is an add-on for the Elementor Page builder. Creating a post grid for your website allows you to generate more leads by giving your users a quick view of the content, product or services. WordPress comes with amazing features allowing the users to build anything they like but a user is required to know how to code and other complex things. Also, It’s a time-consuming task. We decided to help you! this Elementor post grid addon helps you build a grid visually as you want to. It’s very customizable allowing you to change each part of the grid.
Elementor Post Grid Builder supports ACF and WooCommerce.
Common usages – Allows if you to display
- Posts
- Portfolio
- Services
- Custom post types
- WooCommerce Products
- Listings
- ACF fields in the grid.
- Frontend filtering
- And more!
Let’s look into the features it comes with. When the plugin is activated it adds two addons to the Elementor page builder. Post grid and Post Grid 2 . Post grid is an older version and Post Grid 2 is the latest one.
Build a grid visually!
Build each element of the grid by sortable blocks. You can add
- Title Field
- Content
- Editor content with strip content support
- ACF content – Text fields
- A content before and after can be added to generated field
- WooCommerce Product Description
- Images
- Featured Image
- ACF Images
- WooCommerce Product Images
- Button
- Link to posts
- Link to custom ACF Field
- Link to custom URL
- Download a file – On click, it downloads a file
- WooCommerce Add to cart button – Totally Customizable
- Single Meta
- Display author
- Display Taxonomy
- Display Date
- Meta Data
- Display the author, category, and taxonomy and date all together
- Shortcode
- If you are a WordPress user you know about what a shortcode is. Yes, you can use a shortcode inside. A very handy tool for developers as well
- Note if you are an Elementor pro or Elementor template builder by Geeky green owl user then you can create a template first and use the shortcode for that to generate anything as you wish. Use a dynamic field that comes to these plugins and create a grid for a single element of the grid and just paste the shortcode to this field. Don’t use the older versions.
- Want to display a plain HTML field? Yes, you can!
- WooCoommerce Pricing
- Display the price of WooCommerce Product.
- Add custom content before the price
- WooCommerce Rating
- Display product rating. Requires the WooCommerce to be active.
Um! Did we miss any? Let us know we are actively developing the plugin to meet your needs. Check out the comments a customer requested to add ACF relational post support and we gave it in the next version.
Custom post support
Yes, you can build custom posts for any kind of custom post you have created programmatically or using a plugin. Did you know that we are also selling a plugin that can be used to create a custom design for the custom post pages using Elementor? You can build the templates and display custom fields anywhere.
Efficiently Coded
Grid is responsive and the layout can be customized based on the device using the responsive controls. It contains minimal Javascript and CSS files. Everything is minified for better performance. We have not used the Bootstrap!. Actions and filters are provided so that the developer made changes do not conflict with our updates. Just let us know if you need a filter!. We have plans to add AJAX features but it can become laggy if a user has 100+ posts. Let us know if you need the feature we will plan asap!
Custom backend/frontend filtering and ordering
We have added support for most types of ordering the WordPress API provides. A custom tax-query builder is also provided. Order it the way you like. How about a front end sort and filter builder? We have not hardcoded anything we allow you to build the way you like it. You can add select or list layout. Allows users to sort and filter the posts by category, tags or even custom taxonomies!. Options are available to display ACF relational posts.
Let’s add something more . You can build your own pagination. We have added controls allowing you to display pagination as you like.
Sell it along with your theme
An extended license is required if you plan to sell it with your theme. Note this plugin can’t be sold with free themes.
Documentation: Documentation
Official Website: Envomart.com
Testimonials :
“There really is unlimited potential for this great plugin. Using a custom-designed Elementor template with shortcode, for example, you can create virtually any type of look for your grid items (I’m using custom-designed Elementor templates via shortcode for custom post types with this in an Elementor Archive template). If you are looking for an amazing plugin for displaying your items in a grid in any way you choose (yes using YOUR dream layout) then you cannot go wrong. What are you waiting for – buy this plugin – you won’t regret it!”
By Intramal
“It’s really easy to use it and a lot of options to customize. Quick response from the support team.”
By Lisa
Happy customers: Uplus55.com.au, affordabegolflessons.net, inspirationart.com.au
SponsorsThe WordPress Guys