Marketing events have shifted in both form and function as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and new research suggests that marketers are still not entirely confident in virtual event execution.

The CMO Council recently partnered with Cvent to publish the “Aligning Strategy, Teams and Tech for Success in a New Era of Events” report, and statistics indicated that the majority of marketers (64%) are only moderately effective or not effective at executing valuable virtual events.

Only 12% of respondents said that they are “very effective” when it comes to executing valuable virtual events for their broader B2B demand generation initiatives. Just 14% said the same about webinars, and 8% echoed a similar sentiment about hybrid events. That being said, most marketers (44%) claimed that they are still “very effective” at executing in-person events that deliver value.

B2B Marketers Finding Virtual Event Success

Although some marketers are finding it difficult to navigate virtual spaces, previous research suggests that B2B marketers, in particular, are discovering ways to reap the benefits of this realm.

The Content Marketing Institute conducted its “12th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks” report, and most B2B marketers (55%) have been “moderately successful” with their content marketing strategy over the past year. Specifically, virtual events/webinars/online courses (58%) have delivered the best results for B2B marketers in terms of content.

In addition to virtual events, research reports (48%), short articles/posts (48%), and ebooks/white papers (47%) have also yielded positive results for B2B marketers in terms of content.

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