Affiliate Marketing has became an ever increasing popular subject in Internet World. The process of affiliate marketing is not hard to understand, in fact, the more you understand, the easier it becomes to apply.

In simple words, promoting other’s product and services and get paid a certain commission, be it in percentage or numbers, be it one time fixed or recurring, it all comes under the banner of Affiliate Marketing.

Today I have another great personality on my blog for the interview. A great affiliate marketer and professional blogger; Ankit Singla.

Interview with Ankit Singla

Talk With a Blogging Millionaire And Pro Affiliate Marketer

Let’s checkout the Interview of Ankit Singla in detail.

Question : Ankit, What do u do exactly?

Answer: I am a full-time professional blogger with 9 years of experience. I’m also a founder at &

Me : Glad to know it.

Question : What was the turning point in your life that made you an Internet Entrepenuer?

Answer : When I failed to make money in Multi-level Marketing, I started looking for other ways to make money and came to know about Blogging. With my continuous efforts and willingness to learn the things, I can gladly say I make my living online.

Me : So Can i see you an inspiration? Because unlike many of us, You didn’t lose the hope to achieve something?

Question : Whats your love with SEMRush? Tell me more on what strategies do you use for this purpose?

Answer : SEMrush is one of my favorite blogging tools. It helps me to find great keywords to target. I use it a lot to plan my content strategy. If you like reading detailed blog posts, check out my latest article on which is about finding blog post ideas and you’ll learn how I use SEMrush.

Me : SEMRush is indeed my favourite tool as well, since I’m working with both PPC and SEO services, it’s always a great help in both fields.

Question : Currently how much you are earning at the moment? [If you don’t mind telling]

Answer : People claim I make decent money online and I guess they are right. It’s not a lot of income, but the best thing is it is consistent and growing with time.

Me : Luckily I have seen your SEMRush affiliate incomes so I know a little bit. ?

Question : If you go back 15 years from now, would you like to change anything in yourself?

Answer : 15 years back, I was 11 and I was truly enjoying my childhood. ?

Me : You know, if i get a chance to be at 11, I will prefer to start a Youtube Channel and a blog at that time.

Question : Where do you see yourself after 10 years?

Answer: A skilled person. I’m blessed that I am into Digital Marketing profession but under Digital marketing’s umbrella there are so many things to learn. I’m focusing on learning all those skills one by one and I strongly believe within these 10 years, I will master almost all the required skills to become a marketing ninja.

Me : Best wishes for your future, it all looks bright and inspiring.

Question : Who is your source of motivation?

Answer: Willingness to learn. I love learning new things and whenever I learn something new it motivates me to take action.

Me : This answer reminds of Steve job, ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’ and i take it in positive, as I keep on learning

Question : What is your greatest accomplishment so far?

Answer : I had never dreamed the love I get from my community. People love reading my blog, they enjoy being a member of my facebook community and that’s a biggest achievement for a blogger. If people are liking what he does, he has accomplished everything.

Me : There is no match if people love what you do and if that work is your passion. I’m glad to know that people love your articles a lot and you are giving a lot back by making a facebook community.

Question : Tell me one thing u regret u have done in your life

Answer: I had bounded myself around blogging only. We need to learn many other skills as well like facebook marketing, email marketing, etc. if we truly want to run our blog as a business. I realized it late and I truly regret it.

Me : Better late then never, if you have realised it, it means it’s not a regret anymore.

Question : Tell me one thing you are proud doing in your life

Answer : Blogging

Me : And you have made a good name in Blogging.

Question : Are you offering any paid trainings? tell me more.

Answer : Yes, I help people start, setup and grow their blogs by teaching them live.

Me : That’s great, paying back to the community and helping others to stand on their feet is always a great step.

Question : Whats your suggestion for my blog :

Answer : You are doing really good job by helping the community. Only suggestion I have for your blog is write for a limited set of audience. If you are writing about Blogging, stick to blogging. Don’t confuse your readers best gaming monitors type articles.

Me : Wonderful suggestion, I’m actually doing it for a reason, will reveal once it’s get successful.

Question : Any suggestion or lesson for my readers:

Answer : Define your audience and set a positioning for your blog. Plan what type of people you want to read your blog, what do they read, what they search on Google to find that content and write on those topics. Stick to a niche.

Me : Loved it! Great suggestion for everyone, don’t be a jack of all and instead be a master in one. I failed for years and it was because i was trying to do many things together.

Thanks everyone for reading out the interview. For those who want to learn, Ankit Singla, story is quite deep and interesting.

In the interview of Ankit Singla, He highlighted many things even from positive to negative such as he mentioned how important is for him to learn skills other then blogging and how he joined the Digital Marketing field. This shows that even professionals are trying to keep on learning and improving.

Without a doubt he is an inspiration for a lot of bloggers and affiliate marketers in the online industry.

You can follow him on facebook or on twitter.

So What Did you Learn from this Interview? Share your Thoughts via Comments

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