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iOS, Android and Web versions can share the same Parse database

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6 Mar 2020
• Fixed index and header files
1 Oct 2019
• Enhanced the user interface by updating the design and color of Home Screen 
• Placed New icons on the home screen for better user experience with hover impact
• Reposition App store links on the site
• Item Listing view is changed as per latest app designs 
• The picture upload button issue has been fixed now.
• Fixed application crash issue on Chat button and chat 
• Fixed the Search bar issue on the whole application 
• Improved Message and notification design layout
• Fixed the bug on product image submission 
• Fixed the Share Icon functionality 
18 Dec 2018
• Fixed a bug that allowed to display the correct location for ads;
• Fixed a bug that allowed to send feedback to other users;
• Fixed a bug that allowed to send a direct message to a seller;
• Optimizations and small bugs fixed;
21 Nov 2018
• Fixed a bug in the Google Map Location
26 May 2018
• Added an IF statement and query in ad-details.php file -> send feedbacks code, in order to check if you already sent a feedback to a seller
• Accordingly to the new EU GDPR terms, I've updated the 'tos.php' file and Documentation.
IMPORTANT: This means that if a User asks for his/her Account deletion, you must do it within 24 hours, as the GDPR's "Right to be forgotten" Article states (LINK:
21 may 2018
• Fixed a small bug in save-item.php, in the else statement where the code updates an item, by removing these 3 lines:
    $adObj->set('isReported', false);
    $adObj->set('likes', 0);
    $adObj->set('comments', 0);
26 April 2018
• Added a radio input code in 'signup.php' in order to prevent users from signing up in case they have not checked it | Edited the PHP and JS code to check for accepted Terms of Service
• Updated the Documentation
10 April 2018
• Added this attribute into the 'txtAddress' input tag in ads-list.php (as suggested by the Chrome console):
6 April 2016
• Edited the Choose Location button in sell-edit-item.php as it follows:
    <i class="fa fa-map-marker" /> Choose a location
    <p class="text-center">If you will not choose a location, the website will set New York by default</p>
This is because the browser doesn't always get your current location, so you must choose it from the Google Map now.
5 April 2018
• Created footer.php and header.php files and added their 'include' statements in all .php files. In this way, you'll be able to edit header and footer of your website only once
• Adjusted the code in all php files, reduced spaces between lines of code, now the code is more compact
• Replaced 'faq.html' and 'tos.html' with two new 'faq.php' and 'tos.php' files
• Removed 'upload-avatar.php'
• Edited 'upload-image.php', in order to get the max width of an image to upload
• Edited the $ajax line in 'signup.php' in order to set the max image width for upload:
      url : "upload-image.php?imageWidth=300",

• Edited the $ajax line in 'account.php' in order to set the max image width for upload:
      url : "upload-image.php?imageWidth=300",

• Edited the three $ajax lines in 'sell-edit-item.php' in order to set the max image width for upload:
      url : "upload-image.php?imageWidth=600",
21 March 2018
• Added this line into Configs.php:

• Edited the "fb-callback.php" file, in order to support the new "Use Strict Mode for Redirect URIs" function of the Facebook Login section (in your Facebook Developer App's page).
• Updated the Documentation
1 February 2018
• Edited line 41 in fb-login-confirm.php, in order for Facebook login SDK to not use the same email address in case it cannot use the one from the user who's logging in:
     $email = $userID.'';

Made from iOS and Android apps makers, woopy is a Responsive HTML/CSS Website Template where you can browse and post listings on the go, new or used stuff you want to sell. You can search for keywords, category, city/state and distance radius, chat with sellers, log in with Facebook or email, like and share ads, and a lot more.

Users will be able to report ads or users and block/unblock inappropriate users to prevent getting chat messages from blocked people. They will also able to send Feedbacks to other sellers.
woopy has also a verification email system, once a user signs up, back4app sends a verification email based on the email address the user typed on the signup page. People will be able to see if a user is Verified or not by entering his/her Profile page.

The Categories names and images are stored into the Parse Dashboard, so you’ll be able to add new categories remotely without having to update the code.

EXTENDED LICENSE: Please note that if you plan to add any payment gateway to this template (like PayPal, Stripe, etc.) you must buy it under an Extended License as per Envato rules.

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About Parse SDK and back4app

Read this article for more info about back4app and Parse SDK:

Can I host Parse Server on my own server?

Yes, although I don’t provide support for the setup process, you can read the official Guide here:

What about free support for this template?

I can offer free support for bugs encountered in the original code.
Instead, if you’ve edited the code and messed something up with it, I may apply some fee to fix it either via TeamViewer or by checking your app project files directly on my computer.

How to change images in the Categories class of my Parse Dashboard?

After importing the Categories.json file into your own Parse Dashboard, you have to double-click in the empty space between the edge of a cell and the blue image button to replace the existing images, check the screenshot below:

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After importing Categories.json in my Parse Dashboard, I see no data

That may happen sometimes, it’s a bug in the Parse Dashboard, so in this case you must manually add rows and columns on your own.
1. Click Edit -> Add a column, choose String as type of data and type exactly category, then click ‘Add column’

2. Click Edit -> Add a column, choose File as type of data and type exactly image, then click ‘Add column’
3. Now you can enter the empty cells and insert the name of your first Category, doublie click in the empty cell of the image column and upload your first image.
4. Repeat the steps above for each category you want to insert in your Parse database.

How do I change the order of Categories?

The only way to do that is to remove all rows from the Categories class and add then again based on the order you want categories to be shown in the Home screen of the app since they get ordered by their ‘createdAt’ date.

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• Fully Responsive
• Lightbox for images full-screen preview
• Backend with Parse SDK hosted on back4app
• Browse ads by Category or search by Keywords, city/state and category
• Sort ads by Recent, Price, Most liked and Condition
• Distance slider to change the nearby distance in the Search form
• Post/edit ads, with 3 pics (videos can be uploaded only with the mobile versions)

• Send/read Feedbacks and Comments
• Report/block inappropriate users or ads
• Chat with sellers within the app
• Push Notifications for chat messages, likes, feedbacks and comments (please note that only the mobile apps will receive Push Notifications)
• Check your liked ads in the My Likes page
• Activity page
• List of active chats
• User Guide and PSD graphics included
• Font Awesome icons
• Flat and modern Design
• Easy to customize
• Bootstrap
• HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript
• Well commented code
• jQuery

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• You own domain and hosting with at least PHP 5.4 (GoDaddy and many other hosting providers have the latest version of PHP installed as default)
• A free account on
• Basic knoledge of HTML/CSS
• Basic knowledge of how the Parse Dashboard works:

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