Jobs Portal V 3.4

Jobs portal is developed for creating an interactive job vacancy for candidates and for Employers to post jobs. This web application is to be conceived in its current form as a dynamic site-requiring constant updates both from the seekers as well as the companies. On the whole the objective of the project is to enable jobseekers to place their resumes and companies to publish their vacancies. It enables jobseekers to post their resume, search for jobs, view personal job listings. It will provide various companies to place their vacancy profile on the site and also have an option to search candidate resumes. Apart from this there will be an admin module for the customer to make changes to the database content.

Admin Demo Access
Username: [email protected]
Password: buyer123456

Seeker Account

Username: [email protected]
Password: seek123456

Employer Account

Username: [email protected]
Password: emp123456

Jobs Portal

Jobs Portal App


  • Job Seeker
  • Manage Resume
  • Job Provider
  • Administrator
  • Job Search

Job Seeker

This module contains details about Job Seeker, i.e. employee or un-employee details. Like employee name, email, experience. Here employee can do update, modify and delete. He can update experience and skills, portfolio andeducation details also.

Job Provider / Company

This module having information about job provider and requirement details, which client recruiting the employees, and what based them recruiting the employees? Here client releasing the primary skills, experience, no. of vacancies, opening date and closing date.


The administrator module having all privileges about this entire project, he can update, delete, and modify the details about job seeker, job provider, CMS, Job attributes, Admin users etc. Administrator maintain the client and job seeker database, where ever client is releasing their requirements( vacancies) with particular primary skills and experience, on that time administrator search for job seekers, who are having that primary skills and experience.

This module having all current vacant jobs, experience and which client offering that vacancy.



After registration job seeker can perform following actions:

  • Free Registration
  • Created Profile
  • Edit profile
  • Create Online Resume
    • Add Projects
    • Add Experience
    • Add Education
    • Add Skills
    • Add Languages
  • Upload Multiple Resume
  • Apply on Jobs
  • Search Jobs
  • Job Alerts
  • Manage Applied Jobs
  • Mark Job as Favourite
  • View Favourite Jobs
  • Filter Jobs
  • View Companies to Following list
  • View Followings
  • Send Message to Candidates
  • View Messages


Job provider’s (Companies) can perform following action:

  • Free Registration
  • Created Profile
  • Edit profile
  • Employer Packages
  • Post Jobs
  • Manage Posted Jobs
  • Edit or Delete Jobs
  • Manage Applied Candidates
  • Shortlist Candidates
  • Manage Shortlised candidates
  • Search Resume
  • Filter Resume
  • View Candidates Profile
  • Download Resumes
  • View Followers
  • Send Message to Candidates
  • View Messages from Candidates


Administrator can manage whole website:

  • Admin users
  • Manage Jobs
  • Manage Companies
  • Manage Seekers
  • Manage Content Pages
  • Manage SEO
  • Manage FAQ
  • Manage Blog
  • Manage Testimonials
  • Manage Site Languages
  • Manage locations
    • Countries
    • Countries Detail
    • States
    • Cities
  • Manage Employer Packages
  • Manage Seeker Packages
  • Manage Site Settings
  • Manage Job Attributes
    • Language Levels
    • Career Levels
    • Functional Areas
    • Genders
    • Industries
    • Job Experiences
    • Job Skills
    • Job Titles
    • Job Types
    • Job Shifts
    • Degree Levels
    • Degree Types
    • Major Subjects
    • Result Types
    • Marital Statuses
    • Ownership Types
    • Salary Periods

Feel free to contact us if you have any issues regarding application.

Update 30 Oct 2021

1. Database import issue fixed
2. Social login issue fixed

Update 14 August 2021

1. Update Laravel Version to 8.54
2. Fixed job alert issue
3. Add captcha to register forms both
4. Add seo for jobs listing page
5. Add reject button for applied users on employer side and send email to user on rejection
6. Add Hire This Candidate button in shortlisting on employer side
7. Add Google Analytics textarea in settings
8. Add jobg8 API for jobs

Update 13 April 2021

Show list or payment history in admin under companies
Update documentation

Update 25 Feb 2021

CV Search Packages Module Added (Companies will buy package to search jobseekers from database)
Account Email Verify Issue fixed
Jobseeker Profile page design updated
Jobseeker profile Image option added
Jobseeker Video Profile link option added
Update search design

Update 29 Oct 2020

Pay U Money Payment Gateway added
User Dashboard issue fixed
User Edit Profile issue fixed
Blog category Add issue fixed

Update 25 Aug 2020

Laravel Version Updated From 5.8 to 7.24
php version 7.2.5
Fixed Chart error
Fixed user Navigation active link
Job List Page Updated

Update 14 Jan 2020

CV Edit, Delete issue fixed for cross browser
Blog Editor Updated
Blog editor image upload issue fixed

Update 07 Dec 2019

Login Tabs Issue Fixed
Modal Issue Fixed

Update 19 Nov 2019

Bootstrap 4 Updated
New Design updated
Better Homepage design
Blog added
Jobs counter issue fixed
Add Benefit Section on Job Detail page
Company overview section on job detail page
User and employer Messages system added
Job Alerts added
User dashboard updated
Matching jobs on user dashboard
Employer dashboard updated
Companies search added
On Job list page add top search
In jobs list ad pleasement added

Update 13 Feb 2019

Companies List View Added
Social Media Login Added

Update 13 Feb 2019

Companies List View Added
Social Media Login Added

Update 29 Jan 2019

Forgot password issue fixed
Free Package Function Added
Favicon upload added in admin
Bold, italic, underline issue fixed in tinymce
Unicode issue fixed in tinymce

Update 02 jan 2019 – V.2.0

Add Revolution Slider
Show Hide Option in admin for slider
Add Subscribe for newsletter (Mailchimp)
Add Facility to add Mailchimp account from admin
Add Facility for Employer to post jobs as free
Show Hide Option in admin for Employer Packages
Improve Home page Layout
Upload CV issue Fixed
Add Restrictions for Sub Admin users
Fixed Set Default Language Issue
Home page video Added
Add Image in job description issue fixed

Update 03 Dec 2018

Add New Cities Issue fixed
Add New Country Issue fixed
Frontend Language change issue fixed

Update 08 Nov 2018

Logo Upload Issue fixed
Home page video show hide error fixed
Seeker Packages Issue fixed
Footer Title language change issue fixed

Update 23 Oct 2018

tinyMCE editor is integrated for Job and Company Description
Job seeker strip payment issue fixed

Update 13 Oct 2018

Strip Payment Added
.json files added
Add login link in top Menu
Artisan file added
Fixed syntax error in footer file
.htaccess file issue fixed