Luckily, we can help find the ones that are.

We don’t care how much ad revenue you have to play around with, nothing can be more frustrating than wasting time, money, and effort reaching out to the wrong people. You know the types. Either they really are not interested in what you have to offer—or they’ve moved on from the job titles and roles that made them first target-worthy to begin with. It happens a lot with traditional marketing and advertising models.

Think spending millions to place a huge billboard on a busy thoroughfare. The location, size, and design will set you back quite a bit—but you don’t have much control over who sees the billboard. Out of the many people who drive by every day, only a few might be truly interested. And, even among those, there’s only a small percentage that may actively act on that interest. Wouldn’t it be great if you could target just those people?

What Digital Marketing Is—and Isn’t

Nowadays, many have opted to go digital when it comes to promoting their products and services as well as trying to draw in potential leads. There are several good reasons for this. First, it’s a lot more cost effective. Second, it’s far easier to measure this effectiveness. Third, you actually get to pick and choose who you target. What people get wrong, really, is that reaping the benefit of all of that does require a lot of work—or at least experts to help you set things up. Here are the four key considerations you need to make.

Four Key Considerations for Effective Digital Marketing

  1. Understand Who You WANT to Sell To

You likely already have some idea of who your target audience is—you might even have a pretty clear picture painted of what characteristics define them. While that’s certainly a great start, what you want to also figure out is who you actually want to spend time and effort to sell to. Confused? Let us clarify. While you can compile a list of who to target quite easily, you need to qualify them.  For one thing, are their contact details still relevant? For another, are their roles, positions, and priorities still the same?

This is something that bears discussion in a world where it is quite easy for many businesses to purchase contact and leads lists to start off their marketing and sales campaigns. While there’s much to be said about the convenience of this approach, the take-away is the need to be aware of the quality of the leads that you get. Of course, you’re far better off starting out with effective targeting to begin with to ensure that the names and numbers that come in are relevant to begin with.

  1. Deliver the Right Content

One of the best ways to get things right from the get go is to ensure that your digital marketing is founded on the right content. This “right-ness” is a function of two things: what your content talks about and the medium by which it is presented. When talking about content topics, it should all be about what your audience wants. Inevitably, this will cover their pain points, their commonly-asked questions, relevant industry updates, case studies—you get the idea. Basically, provide them the information they want.

What medium you use to deliver your content depends much on what your audience prefers—though it must be mentioned that studies have found that 40% of people respond far better to visuals than they do text. This is more than just sticking images into your blogs, mind. You’ll get a lot of mileage using infographics and well-produced videos to get your message across—or even support your longer-form content across your platforms.

  1. Utilize the Right Platform

While you can and should leverage your social media presence and even YouTube to host your visual content, one of the best platforms you can utilize is your own website. For one thing, you can certainly control the kind of content that goes up with really fewer limitations than other platforms. For another thing, as—ideally—your central repository of other key content, it’s perfect for keeping those you draw in educated and informed about what you have to offer.

Of course, while there are technically no limits to what you can put up, you want to take into consideration several factors that optimize your content on your site: how fast it loads, what browsers it will be compatible on, whether it’s mobile-optimized or not—it’s a lot to consider and study. That’s why it’s a better idea to work with experts who can look over your site and guide you towards creating relevant content that is suited to your website and your audience specifically.

  1. Track the Right Numbers

Finally, you need to be looking at the right metrics to properly determine whether all the previous efforts were actually effective or not. Now, there are many metrics that you can possibly look at, but what we recommend you look at are engagement and conversion. Engagement is more than just about visits to your website, it’s also about who clicks on the ads you set up to get there, who interacts with your calls-to-action, and even how long they spend watching your videos or whether they download your infographics, etc.

Conversions are about looking at who completes actions that matter to you and your campaigns. This can range from simply downloading your whitepapers and other gated content all the way up to filling out your lead capture forms—it all depends on what matters to you. Ideally, the definition of these metrics for success should be done by those who know what to look out for—and should align with what you want out of your digital campaigns.


Whatever the state of your campaigns, whatever you’re looking for out of digital marketing, DemandScience can help you. Talk to our data intelligence experts today, tell them what you need, and we can provide you a free demo of what we offer. Want to learn more? Check out our website.

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