Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 1

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 2

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 3

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 4

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 5

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 6

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 7

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 8

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 9

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 10

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 11

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 12

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 13

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 14

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 15

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 16

Active Super Shop Multi-vendor CMS - 17

Update History

version : 2.5 – Aug 06, 2020

 - Message to seller
 - Google login re-integration with O-authth2
 - Email invoice to vendor after order completion

version : 2.4 – May 30, 2020

- Now transactions can be done by the cryptocurrency
- Transactions are done through Coinpayment cryptocurrency gateway
- Only 0.5% fee per transaction

version : 2.3 – April 20, 2020

SOLVED BUGS ------------------------------------------------
- Google map issue in the checkout page is fixed
- Google map marker set in the vendor profile is fixed
- In admin panel the delivery pointers of map for orders is fixed
- In vendor panel the delivery pointers of map for orders is fixed

version : 2.2 – March 16, 2020

NEW FEATURES ------------------------------------------------
- Facebook page messanger chat integrated

SOLVED BUGS ------------------------------------------------
- Zoomer fixed in the Classified Product Details page.
- Issues in Login, Forgot password, Adding items to cart is fixed.
- Some security issues fixed.
- Language and text is updated in invoices.

version : 2.1 – February 18, 2020

NEW FEATURES ------------------------------------------------
- New update section in admin panel to install new updates by uploading zip.
- New Back-Up section in admin panel to get  backup of the database and the full system in a single click.
- New frontend color theme

IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------------------------
- Mark up from is implemented to improve seo for Google, Bing, Yandex and Baidu
- Additional customizable meta fields for product page, seller home page and for the site home page to improve search engine indexing.
- Frontend container width increased

SOLVED BUG ------------------------------------------------
- Header mobile ui fixed
- Product add from admin and vendor mobile view problem is fixed.
- Issue of giving ratings after purchasing a product has been fixed.

version : 2.0 – January 21, 2020

NEW FEATURES ------------------------------------------------
- PHP Version Update from 5.6 to 7.x
- User to user Affiliation system
- Affiliation earnings for users are convert to wallet currency directly.

IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------------------------
- In product  bulk upload images now can be uploaded
- Almost all cpanels are by default compatible with php 7 rather than php 5.
- Total execution time is reduced by 10%.
- The new PHPNG engine improves the performance as much as twice with optimized memory usage.
- Memory usage is reduced by 23%.
- PHP 7 has 64-bit support , so applications will run  flawlessly on 64-bit system architectures.

SOLVED BUG ------------------------------------------------
- Installation error issues are fixed

version : 1.5.5 – June 26, 2019

- New : Bulk Physical product page
- New : Product Review & Rating option
- Improvement : Product searching by product tag
- Improvement : Vendor dashboard improvement

- Fixed : SSL Certification issue solved
- Fixed : Others all minor bugs has been solved

version : 1.5.3 (Bug Fixing Update) Dec 31, 2018

version : 1.5.4 – April 25, 2019

- Improvement : Support ticket has been improved on writing paragraphs.
- Improvement : New customer profile sidebar on mobile version.
- Improvement : Improvised Currency conversion on payment gateways.
- Improvement : Improvise Multiple word search from global search box

- Fixed : After SMTP settings mail has been sent successfully.
- Fixed : Vendor disabled on search bar if deactivated the vendor from admin.
- Fixed : Contact page mailing issue has been fixed.
- Fixed : Facebook product sharing image missing has been solved.
- Fixed : Staff permission role has been fixed.

version : 1.5.3 (Bug Fixing Update) Dec 31, 2018

- Facebook login error.
- PayUmoney payment gateway issue. 
- Currency syncing issue.
- Vendor registration error. 

version : 1.5.3 Nov 19, 2018

- Commission System
- Server based installation issue.
- Login page Footer Responsive design fixed for different browser. 
- Homepage Vendor Slider option.
- Vendor Payment option (from admin) delete issue fixed. 
- Enter key is not working on top search issue fixed.
- Admin  Profile redirect to vendor login issue fixed.
- Customer & vendor Registration Mail sending issue fixed.
- Language settings issue fixed.

version : 1.5.2 Jul 09, 2018

- PayUmoney payment gateway
- Wallet loads activation on/off
- Guest checkout
- Mail notification to admin while new vendor registered
- Mail notification to admin while any vendor upgrade their packages
- Mail notification to vendor when admin pay to any vendor.
- Delete all Categories , Products, Brands and Classified Products option from Admin Panel. 
- Currency symbol issue fixed.
- Vendor panel logo & cover photo default image setting issue has been fixed. 
- Vendor Slider issue fixed.
- Vendor navigation profile link has been fixed. 
- Fix the XSS issue.
- Vendor registration form “address line 2” required to optional
- Fix all other reported minor bugs

version : 1.5.1 Jun 14, 2018

- Customer Subscription option
- Subscription package on product/ads posting
- Product posting by customer
- Easy communication between customer-customer
- Front end UI re-touch
- System & security Improvements
- All major and minor reported bugs has been fixed.

version : 1.5.0 May 01, 2018

- Product Bundle
- Google Analytics Dynamic 
- Vendor Profile (Design)
- Customer Profile (Design)
- Vendor Identity Portability
- Home page modification
- Remove index.php
- Meta tag setup for all language

- All major and minor reported bugs has been fixed.

version : 1.4.10 Feb 12, 2018

- Wallet system of customer for purchasing products with virtual credit facility. 
- Deposit money facility from "paypal" & "stripe".
- Wallet accountancy & admin authorization. 
- Installation issues are fixed.
- Other previous issues.
- Site performance improvement.

version : 1.4.9 Oct 15, 2017

- User logout problem
- Vendor products shown in featured product when vendor system is disabled
- Vendor public profile social icons not shown
- In admin panel category wise banner section bug
- Price range in product listing page
- Social registered user invoice problem
- Last name is missing in user profile & edit profile page
- Email invoice
- Language problem
- Order tracking system bug 
- User profile purchase amount problem
- When too many product are added into the cart then checkout button invisible problem

version : 1.4.8 Jun 27, 2017

- Order tracking system is introduced 
- Shipment status detail is added in the shipment process
- Installation bug is fixed.
- Product adding bug is fixed
- Staff adding bug fixed
- Cart adding bug is fixed
- Admin and vendor login bug fixed
- Profile image bug fixed

version : 1.4.7 Jun 17, 2017

- System version added
- Environment for auto update created
- Environment for SEO friendly URL initialised
- Bug fixed in the email template.
- Process calculation of the sale profits revised.
- Facebook SKD updated and fixed.
- Currency settings revised.
- Bug in the user and vendor registration solved

version : 1.4.6 Mar 27, 2017

- Theme added in email template(three HTML template).
- Payment gateway : VoguePay.
- Latest bootstrap update(v3.3.7).
- Latest font awesome update(v4.7.0).
- Currency format option added in admin panel.
- Customer & vendor registration alert system updated.
- Contact message notification updated.
- Product missing problem in product list(admin & vendor panel).
- Digital product view(update time).
- Language translation.
- Payment from admin section in vendor panel.

version : 1.4.5 (Bug fixing update) Feb 22, 2017

- Bugs fixed in customer and vendor registration.
- Captcha enable/disable option added in admin panel.
- Facebook login problem solved.
- Bug fixed in general settings update.
- Smtp enable/disable option added.
- Bug fixed in email sending after installation.
- Bugs fixed in Default image change.​

version : 1.4.5 Feb 13, 2017

- Bug solved in secured server
- Product price range bug fix
- 3 new color themes.
- 8 new fonts added for total frontend design
- Re-captcha on registration/sign up page both for vendor & customer
- Profit loss chart added in vendor dashboard
- New payment gateway (2checkout)
- Editable email templates 

version : 1.4.4 Jan 23, 2017

- Delete products of removed vendors.
- Without brand products edit problem.
- Product description page in firefox.
- Zip code added at delivery address in checkout page.
- Home page banner upload error solved.
- Error in user side invoice's sub total amount.
- Error show in user panel download page.
- Widget(special product) title height fixed.

- SMTP mail system. 
- Package upgrade history in Vendor panel.
- Admin pay to vendor in Admin panel.
- Admin pay to vendor in Vendor panel. 

version : 1.4.3 Jan 10, 2017

- Recaptcha issue. 
- Terms & conditions checkbox in registration forms. 
- Staff "delete" option available 
- Staff password edit option accessible. 

- New currency add option. 
- Three more color themes 

version : 1.4.2 Dec 18, 2016

-Default currency. 
-Vendor & User registration confusion cleared.
-Widget problem.
-Category wise product box problem in Firefox at homepage.
-Special product’s box problem solved in Firefox at frontend.

NEW FEATURE         
-Three color themes added.

version : 1.4.1 Nov 25, 2016

- Password field added in creating New staff in admin panel.
- Solved CSS problems in product view page when no color for a product.
- Country and state fields added in the both customer and vendor registration.
- FIxed problems with Add to cart, Add to wishlist, Compare buttons in FireFox browser
- Invoice logo problem solved.

version : 1.4.0 Oct 30, 2016

- Update to latest Codeigniter version : Total system has been updated to latest codeIgniter version 3.1.
- Update to latest bootstrap version : Total cms has been updated to latest bootstrap version 3.0.
- Update to latest font-awesome version : Latest fontawesome has been updated.
- Multiple Currency System : Complete multiple currency system has been integrated with flag icon which make this more faster & smoother than before.   
- Language system Improvement :  Total language system has been improved. Each & Every word of the total cms can be translated by admin.
- Vendor System Improvement : Vendor subscription system and mailing options has been improved. Also improve the portability for arranging the vendor public profile.
- New vendor public profile :  Vendor’s public profile design has been completely re-designed with complete portable options. 
- Improvise vendor system :  Total vendor management and  vendor subscription system has been improved and developed this more user friendly with  elevation of security.
- Separate Digital Product upload :  Digital product’s category, sub-category, discounts and much more options has been supervised separately. 
- Separate Digital description page :  We designed complete separate outlook for the digital products to get rid of confliction with the physical products.
- Separate Physical Product upload :  Physical product’s category, brands, sub-category, stock, discounts and much more options has been supervised separately.
- Separate Physical Product description page :  We designed the complete separate outlook for the physical products to get rid of confliction with the digital products.
- Complete Customer Choice Option :  Admin / vendor can insert the customer choice options (e.g : color, sizes, conditions etc ) by the implementation of single select, multiple select, dropdown select and plain text options.
- Improvised advanced search option :  User can search the products based on product category, sub-category, brands, price range & vendor.
- Multiple portable home page : From this most latest version we designed multiple home page with the complete portable options. Admin can change each & every portion of the home pages can be changed in most user friendly user interface with frequent system.  
- Multiple color theme  :  Just with single click admin can change the complete color theme for the entire frontend outlook by maintaining the latest trend.
- Product & Vendor Rating : Customer can provide after purchase rating for the products.According to the product rating vendor rating has been generated. 
- Customer Support ticket : Customer can create support ticket from their own profile.Admin will send the replies from admin panel which can be received in same support thread in customer profile.
- Blog pages and search: Pages of blogs has been redesigned and re-arranged with the blogs category and subcategories.Searching system has been updated also.
- Mobile friendly user interface: Total frontend design has been re-designed and completely responsive.For mobile and tablet version it’ now fully usable with all features.

version : 1.3 Feb 14, 2016

- Digital product upload both for vendor and admin
- Customer will get the smart option to get the download of the uploaded digital product
- Blog category create/edit/delete
- Blog will be uploaded by admin according to created Blog category
- All blogs are viewed with sleek design by time and date 
- Cart system has been improved which is more faster and user friendly  
- Re-construct the home page
- Admin get more functionality to re-arrange home page
- Vendor can integrate their location 
- Customer can check the vendor location from from locator
- Intelligent caching has been included
- Another option for product named "Today's Deal" has been included
- Product compare has been included
- Improved product search filter
-Previous bugs has been fixed

version : 1.2 Nov 25, 2015

- Multi vendor system
- Separate Vendor home page with vendor admin panel
- create / edit / delete /postpone vendorship packages 
- Maximum product limitation for vendors
- Temporal limitation for vendorship
- Smart Discount coupon for products  
- Category/product wise discount coupon  
- Alexa graph report
- Alexa metrics report 
- Search index report
- Social Network Report
- Facebook comment for product
- Disqus comment for product
- Improved product search filter

version : 1.1 Jul 19, 2015

- Updated to codeigniter 3.0
- Invoice E-mail to customer.
- Stripe added as a new payment gateway
- 2 more slider template added
- Improve customer registration.
- Improve installation process. 
- 6 more new header/footer color scheme. 
- Improved security system 

Flag Counter