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Apple Stores in France have now resumed their normal opening hours, following restricted schedules implemented during a spike in coronavirus cases in December 2021.

As with all Apple Stores around the world, France’s ones were completely closed during the worst of the COVID pandemic. However, as coronavirus cases rose sharply in the country, France’s Apple Stores implemented a much reduced schedule.

According to Consomac, cutting hours meant being able to operate with a reduced staff. Stores typically opened later than their usual 10 a.m., and closed one or two hours earlier than their normal 8pm.

As of February 7, 2022, though, all 20 Apple Stores in France have resumed normal hours. They continue to operate under restrictions intended to minimize the chance of spreading the coronavirus, however.

French Apple Stores still require shoppers to book a slot

French Apple Stores still require shoppers to book a slot

Most specifically, Apple is keeping its mandatory requirement for shoppers to book in advance.

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